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比喩力が人を動かす!されど、意見がまとまらないG20 Metaphorical power moves people! However, the G20 does not agree

共同声明がまとまらないG20 G20 cum uncoordinated iuncturam dicitur 人の共感を呼び、人を突き動かす比喩力



G7(Group of Seven):主要国首脳会議。構成国は日本、アメリカ、イギリス、ドイツ、フランス、イタリア、カナダ。
G20(Group of Twenty):構成国は、G7構成国7国、EU(欧州連合ヨーロッパを中心に27か国が加盟する経済的および政治的連合)、ロシア、および新興国11ケ国(中華人民共和国、インド、ブラジル、メキシコ、南アフリカ共和国、オーストラリア、大韓民国、インドネシア、サウジアラビア、トルコ、アルゼンチン)

On April 20, the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting was held in Washington, DC, the capital of the United States.
The main agenda is Russia's invasion of Ukraine and its impact on the world economy. Ukrainian Treasury Minister Marchenko was invited to the meeting.
"Russia is the pathogen of the world economy. If Ukraine does not stop it, the infection will spread to other countries," he said and asked for help.
Russia's Finance Minister Siluanov attended online, but at the time of Siluanov's remarks, US, UK and Canadian officials were temporarily withdrawn. The attendees of Japan were Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki and Governor of the Bank of Japan Haruhiko Kuroda, but he did not leave, and Finance Minister Suzuki accused Russia of "Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the cause of the turmoil in the world economy."
Russia and China oppose a series of criticisms of Russia as it continues to invade Ukraine. The joint statement was incomplete.
After the G20 closed, the G7 met and accused Russia of "regretting Russia's participation in the G20" and "violating Ukraine's sovereignty and territory, international peace and security."
Will Russia move toward withdrawing from the G20 following the suspension of Russia's membership in the UN Human Rights Council?
President Xi Jinping attended the annual meeting of the Boao Forum for Asia, an international economic conference, online on the 21st, saying, "I oppose the abuse of unilateral sanctions."

This time, Treasury Minister Marchenko has traced Russia as "a pathogen that infects other countries if Ukraine does not stop it." The metaphor is a bitter criticism of Russia, but now that the world is being damaged by the corona, for many listeners, Russia is invading and slaughtering Ukraine's territory like a pathogen. It must have made us imagine the threat to our country if we do not stop the invasion. It may be possible to use the listener's imagination to double the empathy by comparing it to words that the listener can easily imagine and sympathize with, rather than telling what he or she wants to convey. Appropriate metaphorical power can sometimes be a great weapon to move people.

G7 (Group of Seven): Group of Seven. The constituent countries are Japan, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, and Canada.
G20 (Group of Twenty): The members are 7 G7 members, EU (Economic and Political Union with 27 members centered on Europe), Russia, and 11 emerging countries (People's Republic of China). , India, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Australia, South Korea, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Argentina)
Boao Forum for Asia: An international non-profit organization (World Economic Forum) based in the People's Republic of China. Started following the Davos Conference (an international conference where politicians, business people, and intellectuals from around the world gather) held in Davos, Switzerland. A total of 26 countries from 25 Asian countries and Australia participated.

#Boao Forum for Asia

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