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ビルゲイツが警告。「次のパンデミックに備えよ」Bill Gates warns "prepare for the next pandemic"

ビルゲイツが警告「次のパンデミックに備えよ」Bill Gates warns パンデミックは断続的に続くと考えていた方がよいかもしれない。


  • マイクロソフトの技術担当アドバイザー
  • ビル&メリンダ・ゲイツ財団(世界最大の慈善基金団体)共同会長
  • カスケード・インベストメント(ゲイツ氏所有の投資持ち株会社)会長
  • コービス(ロサンゼルスのプロダクトプレースメント、インフルエンサーマーケティング、ライセンス会社)会長
  • テラパワー(次世代型原子炉の研究開発を行うワシントン州のテクノロジー企業)共同会長

COVID-19を最後のパンデミック|にすることができるビル・ゲイツ |テッド - ユーチューブ (youtube.com)
ビル・ゲイツ:次の流行は?私たちは準備ができていません|テッド - ユーチューブ (youtube.com)



I've never met a business person who doesn't know Bill Gates' name. So it may not be necessary to explain him, but I will mention a little. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft, which develops and sells various software including Windows and Office. And And he is a world-famous wealthy man. In the world's billionaire ranking of the American magazine "Forbes", it was the best in the world for 13 consecutive years from 1994 to 2006. And in 2022, Tesla's Elon Musk, Amazon's Jeff Bezos, and LVMH (a conglomerate created by the merger of Louis Vuitton and Moe Hennessy in 1987) are the fourth largest in the world after Bernard Arnault. Is 129 billion dollars (about 15.87 trillion yen). Gates, who is a regular banzuke and holds a stable huge wealth, is also 66 years old. I don't think he will be punished for enjoying a millionaire life in a relaxed manner, but He is energetically practicing social business activities.
According to Wikipedia, he seems to be working on five titles.

Microsoft Technical Advisor
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (World's Largest Charitable Foundation) Co-Chairman
Chairman of Cascade Investment (an investment holding company owned by Mr. Gates)
Chairman of Corbis (Los Angeles Product Placement, Influencer Marketing, Licensing Company)
Co-Chairman of TerraPower, a Washington state technology company that researches and develops next-generation nuclear reactors

At the TED conference held in April 2022, Gates talked about the future of the pandemic of the new coronavirus, and was held in Munich from Friday, February 18 to Sunday, February 22, 2022. "We will experience a pandemic again," he said at the Security Council. "Next time, we will have another different pathogen."
Bill Gates Can Make COVID-19 the Last Pandemic | Ted-Youtube (youtube.com)
Gates was also calling for preparations for plague control as of 2015.
Bill Gates: What's Next Trend? We're Not Ready | Ted-Youtube (youtube.com)

I think Gates' predictions are right. As global warming progresses and permafrost around the world melts, the Earth carries the risk of releasing harmful bacteria and viruses into the atmosphere.

Gates' presentation was easy to understand from start to finish. His slide show is really simple and serves as a model for creating presentation materials. It is good to post only the information that leaves an impression. It also makes the story easier to understand by comparing it to something that anyone can imagine. There are no useless words in the presentations of first-class people, only words that leave an impression.

Those who do things that have a great influence on the world are (1) looking one step ahead. (2) Thinking about social issues and business. (3) Work on issues that lead to more relief. (4) I have a desire to give back to society instead of spending the money I earned for my own entertainment. It depends on what you think.

#ビルゲイツ #パンデミック #Bill_Gates  #Pandemic

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