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ショスタコーヴィチが「交響曲第7番」に込めた想い Shostakovich's thoughts on "Symphony No. 7"

ショスタコーヴィチが「交響曲第7番」に込めた想い 音楽が語る悲哀。世界遺産の街レニングラードには残酷すぎる真実があった。

そして昨日(2022年5月9日)は、ロシアの戦勝記念日。第二次世界大戦下の1941年 から 1945年 にかけて、 ナチス・ドイツを中心とする 枢軸国とソビエト連邦間の独ソ戦(German-Soviet War )で、ソビエト連邦が勝利したことを記念する祝日であった。

今日は、テレビ番組「玉木宏 音楽サスペンス紀行・ショスタコーヴィチ 死の街を照らしたレニングラード交響曲(NHK BSプレミアム 2019年1月2日放送)」を元に、戦争と音楽をについて考えてみたい。


私は、その話を聞き、ミュージカル「スウィーニー・トッド」(トッドの理髪店で、理髪に来た裕福な人々を殺害し、金品を奪った上、死体を解体して、人肉をミートパイに混ぜて焼いて売るといったストーリー)を思い起こした。なんてことだ。言葉が出ない。戦時中の市民の生活については、レニングラード戦をめぐる7つ事実:なぜ戦火と飢餓の872日に耐えられたのか - ロシア・ビヨンド (rbth.com)の記事も参考になる。




 「交響曲第7番」の名盤として有名なのが、バーンスタイン指揮・シカゴ交響楽団演奏による米国の1990年のグラミー賞「BEST ORCHESTRAL PERFORMANCE」受賞盤。


From the latter half of February to May 1, it has been talked about that seven Russian oligarchs and their families died suspiciously. There is also public opinion such as "Isn't it an assassination that pretends to be suicide?" It's a noisy story.
And yesterday (May 9, 2022) is Russia's Victory Day. A holiday commemorating the victory of the Soviet Union in the German-Soviet War between the Axis powers centered on Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union from 1941 to 1945 during World War II. there were.
The world was paying attention to Putin's speech at the memorial ceremony, but as many of the world expected, he positioned Russia as a victim and justified the invasion of Ukraine.

By the way, do you all know "Symphony No. 7 (Leningrad)"?
Today, I would like to think about war and music based on the TV program "Hiroshi Tamaki Music Suspense Journey, Shostakovich Leningrad Symphony Illuminating the City of Death (NHK BS Premium broadcast on January 2, 2019)".

"Symphony No. 7" is a symphony composed by Dmitri Shostakovich from Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) in the Soviet Union, surrounded by Nazi German troops during World War II. The seventh theme is war. Then, Shostakovich added "Dedicated to Leningrad" on the completed original cover of No. 7, so the common name of No. 7 became "Leningrad".

● Background of the composition of "Symphony No. 7"
Between September 1941 and January 1944, Leningrad was besieged by German troops, killing 3 million people and killing more than 1 million. In the program, wartime experienced people
・ There was no food, so I peeled off the glue on the wallpaper and ate it. I ate whatever I could eat
・ There was a saleswoman who invited citizens to the store, killed them at the store, and sold human meat pieces, saying "there is fresh meat".
・ Some people cut and eat human meat from the dead lying around the city.
He said.
I heard the story and heard the musical "Sweeney Todd" (at Todd's hairdresser, killing wealthy people who came to hairdressing, robbing them of money, dismantling the corpse, and mixing human flesh with meat pie. I remembered the story of baking and selling). What a hell. I can't speak. Regarding the lives of civilians during the war, seven facts about the war against Leningrad: Why did they endure 872 days of war and hunger? The article by Russia Beyond (rbth.com) is also helpful.

● Premiere of "Symphony No. 7" in the war
The Leningrad premiere of "Symphony No. 7" conducted by Karl Eliasberg was to take place at the Phillamony Grand Hall on August 9, 1942 at 19:00, when German troops launched an occupation attack on Leningrad. Then I got a notification. Soviet troops gathered all the shells in advance, and as soon as the concert started, they fired first and repelled the Germans. The performance was also broadcast on the radio and played from speakers on the street corner. The program introduced the words of a German soldier who heard the performance there at that time, "When I heard that song, we thought we could never beat Leningrad." At that time, a citizen who listened to the performance in the hall said in an interview, "The music is a medicine that heals the heart that was hurt by the fear of siege. I felt like I was back in peaceful everyday life. , I had a strong heart to share bread with others. "

● Shostakovich's feelings in "Symphony No. 7"
"Symphony No. 7" was propaganda from the perspective of the Soviet army, but Shostakovich's true intentions were different. Shostakovich's neighbor Flora Ritvinova, from Shostakovich, "Symphony No. 7" is a song about fear, slavery, soul bondage, all of them. It's not just a reaction to fascism, it's a picture of our own system, a totalitarian system. " Based on that story, the show concludes that "Symphony No. 7" contains not only Hitler's Nazi fascism but also Stalin's antipathy.

Russia is now facing the same suffering as the citizens of Leningrad, who were attacked by the German-Soviet war, to the Ukrainian people. A handful of egoism pulls the world into misery. I can't finish it.

The famous "Symphony No. 7" is the 1990 Grammy Award "BEST ORCHESTRAL PERFORMANCE" award-winning board conducted by Bernstein and performed by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.

#ショスタコーヴィチ #レニングラード #交響曲第7番 #ロシア戦勝記念日 #オレガルヒ #Shostakovich #Leningrad #Symphony No. 7 #Russian Victory Day #Olegalhi

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