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【movie59】黄色い星の子供たち La Rafle(The Round Up)

Excellent movie#6「黄色い星の子供たち」


1942 年6月6日、ユダヤ人は、フランスの国命により胸に黄色の星を付けることを義務づけられ、公園、映画館、遊園地、店舗の立ち入りを禁じられる。同年7月16 日早朝4時、フランス警察にユダヤ人1万3千人が検挙され、冬季競技場ヴェル・ディヴで5日間、水も食糧も与えられず放置される。赤十字から派遣された看護師アネットは悲惨な状況に衝撃を受ける。






これが本作のあらまし、シラク元大統領が1995 年にフランスの国罪と認めたヴェル・ディヴ事件である。連行された13,000 人のうち、生き残ったのはたった25 人であった。


ジョーのモデル、ヴァイスマン氏は、2011 年7月に来日。東京市ヶ谷で早稲田大の学生らとトークセッションを行っている。




第二次大戦下では、1,200 人のユダヤ人を救ったドイツ人実業家オスカー・シンドラー(スティーヴン・スピルバーグ監督による 1993 年の米映画「シンドラーのリスト」の主役)や、6千人のユダヤ系難民の亡命を手助けした日本人外交官・杉原千畝といった人も存在した。

世界では、未だ、戦争、紛争、圧政、虐殺、テロ、差別が繰り返されている。2021 年版の世界平和指数の163 国平和ランクで、ワースト5は、アフガニスタン、イエメン、シリア、ソマリア、イラク。トップ5は、アイスランド、デンマーク、ニュージーランド、ノルウェー、オーストリアである。日本は、トップ7位であった。ウクライナは143位、ロシアは154位であった。2022年はいかに。


原題: La Rafle(The Round Up)
監督: ローズ・ボッシュ
出演: メラニーロラン、ジャン・レノ
2010 年 フランス製作 

Excellent movie # 6 "The Round Up"

Boys with yellow stars on their chests head to school in the back alleys of Paris under Nazi occupation. What is that star? Elementary school coat of arms? Club membership card? No, it's not. It is a Jewish landmark.

On June 6, 1942, Jews were obliged to put a yellow star on their chests by French command and were banned from parks, cinemas, amusement parks and stores. At 4:00 am on July 16th of the same year, 13,000 Jews were arrested by the French police and left at the winter stadium Vel'D'Hiv for five days without water or food. Annette, a nurse dispatched from the Red Cross, is shocked by the dire situation.

Her doctor is Shane Baum, who was also arrested. There is no end to deaths and patients in an unsanitary environment. Meanwhile, the fire brigade leader who came to check the hose stands up. He orders the firefighters to water the Jews with a hose and give instructions to the firefighters who have been entrusted with letters by the Jews.

The Jews are then transferred to a camp in Beaune, Loiret. The camp is surrounded by barbed wire and looks like a livestock barn, filthy and smelly. Food rations are poor, and a piece of bread and a watery soup overcomes hunger. Annette, who was taken in, continued to eat the same as the Jews, and she was lean and asked the governor to distribute food.

Eventually, the German and French governments decide to transfer adults. On the day of the transfer, Sura, who was forcibly separated from his son Joe, shouts with all his heart. "Please, live. Promise. I will live."

Soon, the transfer of children will be decided. On the day of her children's transfer, Annette is frustrated by her colleagues telling her that her adult transfer is to a gas chamber. She whips her fever and sprints her bike to the freight train station that transports the children, but she is not in time.

The last scene is after the end of the war. Annette reunites with Joe, who escaped from the camp, and Nono, a young man who survived.

This is the outline of this work, the Vel'D'Hiv case that former President Chirac admitted in 1995 as a national crime of France. Of the 13,000 people taken, only 25 survived.

The director is Rose Bosch from a journalist. Made over five years with her husband, Iran Goldman, of her Jewish descent. The script is based on the testimony of the survivors of the case.

Joe's model, Weissman, came to Japan in July 2011. He is having a talk session with Waseda University students in Ichigaya, Tokyo.

The role of Annette is Jewish actress Melanie Laurent who played the violinist in "Orchestra!". Her real grandfather was detained in Auschwitz. While she was filming, she was so emotional and exhausted that she broke her body, and she became a devoted nurse.

The role of Shane Baum is Jean Reno, who succeeded in "The Big Blue" and "Leon" and is familiar with commercials. She played a naive doctor who was silently treating her, knowing her fate.

The film highlights the ruthlessness and ruthlessness of politicians, military personnel, and military police, in contrast to fire brigades, nurses, and people in the back alleys. State power uses force to slaughter humans. Like the slaughter of dogs, it drives humans into gas chambers and kills them. It is unforgivable. Why can humans be so cruel? The feelings of destiny and remorse of those who have been forced into a harsh fate and have died unemployed seem to be heartbreaking.

During World War II, German businessman Oskar Schindler, who saved 1,200 Jews (the protagonist of his 1993 American movie "Schindler's List" directed by Steven Spielberg), and 6,000 Jews. There were also people such as Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who helped the asylum of refugees.

Wars, conflicts, oppression, slaughter, terrorism, and discrimination are still occurring in the world. With the 2021 Global Peace Index 163 national peace ranks, the worst five are Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, Somalia and Iraq. The top five are Iceland, Denmark, New Zealand, Norway and Austria. Japan was in the top seven. Ukraine was 143rd and Russia was 154th. How is 2022?

<Work note>

Original title: La Rafle (The Round Up)
Director: Rose Bosch
Starring: Melanie Laurent, Jean Reno
Made in France in 2010

#La Rafle (The Round Up)
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#La Rafle (The Round UP)
# French movie
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