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【movie57 】ジュリエットからの手紙 Letters to Juliet

【movie57 】ジュリエットからの手紙 Letters to Juliet ヴェローナは「ロミオとジュリエット」の舞台として有名で、世界遺産に指定された古ロマンあふれる名所

Excellent movie#4「ジュリエットからの手紙」






それは50 年前に書かれたもので、シエナで出会ったロレンツォとの駆け落ちを諦めたクレアの切ない想いが綴られていた。

手紙の内容に心を打たれたソフィーは、秘書に頼み、クレア宛の返事を書かせてもらう。そして、その一通の返事がロンドンのクレアを動かす。クレアが孫のチャーリーと一緒にヴェローナにやってきたのだ。クレア、チャーリー、ソフィーの3 人は、ロレンツォを探しにシエナに向かう。

シエナは、レンガ塀の建物が連なる中世の面影残す世界遺産の街。近郊の丘陵には糸杉が点在し、オリーブの木とブドウ畑が風にそよぐ、豊かな田園風景が広がっている。3 人は、名前だけを頼りにロレンツォを探しまわるが見つからない。






ヴェローナのジュリエットクラブという運営母体で、ボランティアの女性達がジュリエット宛の手紙の返事を書いている。世界各国から届く年間5000 通以上の手紙の返事は主要言語に対応しており、日本語の手紙には日本語で返信してくれるそうである。アメリカで作品が公開された2010 年5 月からジュリエット宛の手紙が急増、4 万通を記録し、ジュリエットの秘書も増員体制をとっている。


クレア役のヴァネッサ・レッドグレイヴとロレンツォ役のフランコ・ネロは私生活でもパートナー。「キャメロット」(‘67)での共演から約40年たった2006年に入籍を果たしたという、まさにはまり役の2 人である。

監督はゲイリー・ウィニック。2006 年の「シャーロットの贈り物」と同様、この作品も優しさに満ち溢れている。ウィニックは「ジュリエットからの手紙」のメガホンをとった翌年2011 年2 月に脳腫瘍で亡くなっている。享年48、これが遺作となった。(マリリン)

原題: Letters to Juliet 監督: ゲイリー・ウィニック
出演: アマンダ・セイフライド、ヴァネッサ・レッド グレイヴ、ガエル・G・ベルナル、フランコ・ネロ
2010 年アメリカ製作

excellent movie # 4 "Letters to Juliet"

On the way back from the "Venice Exhibition" at the Edo Tokyo Museum, I wanted to watch an Italian movie. At the video shop, I picked up a "letter from Juliet", a love story that originated in Verona, northeastern Italy. Verona is famous as the setting for "Romeo and Juliet" and is a World Heritage Site full of ancient romance.

The protagonists are two beautiful women. Young Sophie and old Claire have a neat and intelligent atmosphere, regardless of age. Sophie, who lives in New York, and Claire, London, meet in Verona and support each other's love affairs.

The story unfolds in the footsteps of Sophie. Sophie is a New Yorker researcher who wants to be a reporter. Despite coming to her fiancé Victor and Verona on her premarital trip, her Italian chef Victor is obsessed with searching for her ingredients and can't help Sophie wanting to enjoy her premarital trip. Sophie, who was shocked by her fiancée, walks around the city alone and visits Juliet's House, the sanctuary of her lovers.

At Juliet's House, a woman collects a letter addressed to Juliet on a clay wall by a tourist and puts it in her basket. Suspicious of the woman's behavior in putting a letter in her basket, Sophie follows and finds out that she is one of the "Juliet's secretaries" who writes her reply to her letter.

Later, Sophie helps her secretary, and she discovers an old letter buried behind a clay wall at Juliet's House.

Written 50 years ago, she spelled out Claire's sad feelings of giving up her elopement with Lorenzo, whom she met in Siena.

Impressed by the content of her letter, Sophie asks her secretary to write a reply to Claire. And that one reply drives Claire in London. Claire came to Verona with his grandson Charlie. Claire, Charlie, and Sophie head to Siena in search of Lorenzo.

Siena is a world heritage site with a series of brick wall buildings that retains the remnants of the Middle Ages. The hills in the suburbs are dotted with cypress trees, and olive trees and vineyards sway in the wind, creating a rich rural landscape. The three search for Lorenzo, relying solely on their names, but cannot find them.

Can't you meet Lorenzo?

At the end of the trip, a miracle happens in the vineyard that I stopped by at the point where I was about to give up. Claire and Lorenzo were able to meet again.

The theme of the work is summarized in Lorenzo's telling Claire, "Love is never too late." There is little turbulence in the story development, but the happy end as expected, the aftertaste is refreshing, and you can feel refreshed.

If you think your love sensibilities have become dull as you get older, take a look at this work. It may be a stimulus to see Claire, who gives off a beautiful and noble aura even when she is old, and may be an opportunity to turn her attention to love.

As an aside, "Juliet's Secretary" exists.

Volunteer women are replying to Juliet's letter at the Juliet Club in Verona. More than 5,000 letters received annually from all over the world correspond to major languages, and Japanese letters are said to be answered in Japanese. Since May 2010, when the work was released in the United States, the number of letters addressed to Juliet has increased rapidly, recording 40,000, and Juliet's secretary is also increasing the number of staff.

She feels that Juliet, who died tragically, is disproportionate to her love adviser, but she wants to applaud Santa's letter-like snazzy arrangements in Finland.

Vanessa Redgrave as Claire and Franco Nero as Lorenzo are partners in her private life. About 40 years after co-starring in "Camelot" ('67), they joined the group in 2006, which is exactly the role of the two.

Directed by Gary Winick. Like the 2006 "Gift of Charlotte", this work is full of tenderness. Winick died of a brain tumor in February 2011, the year after he took the "Letter from Juliet" megaphone. He was 48 years old and this was his last work. (Marilyn)

<Work note>
Original title: Letters to Juliet
Director: Gary Winick
Starring: Amanda Seyfried, Vanessa Redgrave, Gael G. Bernal, Franco Nero
Made in the USA in 2010

#Letters to Juliet
# Amanda_Seyfried

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