By マリリン ON 2022/02/21(月)
カテゴリ: 本・映画・エッセイ

【movie17】マーヴェリック Maverick


I was watching the stage in the western part of the pioneering period of the 19th century, and I remembered when I got on the Mark Twain Riverboat in Disneyland. The main character is the gambler Maverick (Mel Gibson). It's an action comedy about a rare journey with Sheriff Annabel (Jodie Foster) and Sheriff Cooper (James Garner) and a battle for prize money. In a movie starring Mel Gibson, I'm just chasing his eyes. Because his eyes are really beautiful, like blue sapphire. The opponent, Jodie Foster, has a slender body, but is carnivorous. He has a lively kiss and a wild place, isn't he? His nose and chin are sharp, so his pride seems high. His slender body, a tight long dress and a wide hat look good on him.

#Mel Gibson
#Jodie Foster

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