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他人事ではいられない「くも膜下出血」のリスク Risk of "subarachnoid hemorrhage" that cannot be done by other personnel

他人事ではいられない「くも膜下出血」のリスク Risk of 健康は自分で守らないと・・。本気の生活習慣改善で病気のリスクを低減しよう

アメリカの政治・外交が専門の国際政治学者の中山俊宏氏が、5月1日夜、亡くなられていたことがわかった。中山氏は、2001年に青山学院大学の大学院を修了後、防衛省参与などを歴任。2014年から慶応大学の教授を務め、多くのテレビ番組で解説者として活躍されていた。私は、2022年4月29日(20:00 - 21:55)の報道番組「BSフジLIVEプライムニュース」にゲスト出演されていた中山氏をモニターごしに観ていたので、中山氏の訃報を昨日(5月9日)知り、キツネにつままれた思いだった。中山氏の死因は、くも膜下出血だという。中村氏は享年55歳、日本男性の平均寿命は82歳だから、若すぎる死である。


 くも膜下出血発症者の約8割、9割は、「脳動脈瘤」と呼ばれる動脈のコブからの出血である。くも膜下出血は脳卒中全体の約1割程度だが、太い血管から出血するため、出血の程度が強く、他の脳卒中と比べて生命の危険度が高い。発症した場合、死亡率は約50%。処置が遅れた場合、再出血や後遺症のリスクもある。くも膜下出血の死亡率の男女比は、1:1.26。年代による発生率には、男女差があり、男性は、40 ~50代に多く、60歳以降は女性が多い。






It was discovered that Toshihiro Nakayama, an international political scientist specializing in American politics and diplomacy, had died on the night of May 1. After graduating from Aoyama Gakuin University in 2001, Mr. Nakayama has served as a member of the Ministry of Defense. He has been a professor at Keio University since 2014 and has been active as a commentator on many television shows. I was watching Mr. Nakayama, who was a guest on the news program "BS Fuji LIVE Prime News" on April 29, 2022 (20: 00-21: 55), through the monitor, so Mr. Nakayama's obituary. I knew yesterday (May 9th), and I felt like I was pinched by a fox. Nakayama's cause of death is said to be subarachnoid hemorrhage. Mr. Nakamura is 55 years old, and the average life expectancy of a Japanese man is 82 years old, so he died too young.

Today, I would like to talk about the "subarachnoid hemorrhage" that killed Mr. Nakayama.
Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a type of stroke that occurs when a part of the artery, which is the vasa vasorum of the brain, runs under the subarachnoid hemorrhage of the brain.

About 80% and 90% of people with subarachnoid hemorrhage are bleeding from the hump of an artery called "cerebral aneurysm". Subarachnoid hemorrhage is about 10% of all strokes, but since it bleeds from large blood vessels, the degree of bleeding is strong and the risk of life is higher than other strokes. If it does occur, the mortality rate is about 50%. If treatment is delayed, there is also a risk of rebleeding and sequelae. The male-female ratio of subarachnoid hemorrhage mortality is 1: 1.26. There is a difference in the incidence rate depending on the age, and there are many males in their 40s and 50s, and many females after the age of 60.

The typical symptom of subarachnoid hemorrhage is
・ Severe headache: Severe pain like being hit with a bat or a hammer
・ Disorders of consciousness: Not only do you lose consciousness, but you may also snore and fall asleep.
・ Vomiting, eye pain, etc.
And most importantly. That is, if you have a severe headache, don't hesitate to call an ambulance. Otherwise it will be too late.

There are signs of subarachnoid hemorrhage.
・ Blood pressure disturbance: Subarachnoid hemorrhage occurs after repeated fluctuations in blood pressure for several days.
-Sudden headache (warning headache): Mild symptoms due to small bleeding from the aneurysm and nerve compression due to the aneurysm
・ I feel abnormalities in my eyes (pain, double appearance, lowering of my eyelids, etc.), dizziness, and nausea.
・ I feel a sense of discomfort in my head.

These symptoms go away after a while, but there are many cases of major seizures after a few days. If you feel a sign, go to the hospital.

Risk factors for subarachnoid hemorrhage
・ High blood pressure
・ Smoking habits
・ Family medical history
・ Blood transfusion history
・ Stress ・ Decreased secretion of female hormones (for women)

What can be improved by lifestyle will be improved from today and the risk will be reduced.

#クモ膜下出血 #脳梗塞 #中山俊宏 #高血圧 #Subarachnoid hemorrhage #Cerebral infarction #Toshihiro Nakayama #Hypertension

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