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【movie24】バルタザールどこに行く Au Hasard Balthazar


Where to go Balthazar Au Hasard Balthazar
The original title is "Balthazar is a hit and miss". It's a sad story that has never had a funny scene in the Pyrenees in southwestern France. Donkey Balthazar grew up being petted by his daughter Marie and his son Jack, a farmer, but was sold afterwards, enduring harsh labor and terrible abuse, and eventually changing owners. I was forced to help with smuggling, and in the mountains of Pyrenees, a customs officer fired a donkey and quietly took a breath in a flock of grazing sheep. The donkey's eyes are completely dented by the human ugliness. There are bad people in the world.

#Balthazar Where to go
# Au Hasard Balthazar

【movie25】J・エドガー J. Edgar
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