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【movie56】人生に乾杯! Konyec

Excellent movie#3「人生に乾杯!」

UNFPA(国連人口基金)が発表した2022年版の世界人口白書(State of World Population)によると、平均寿命が最も長い国は日本、香港、マカオで、男性は82歳、女性は88歳だった。 日本が世界一の長寿国になったことはうれしいニュースであるが、寿命が伸びれば伸びるほど、老後の生活も長くなる。相次ぐ自然災害、先行き不透明な政治経済、社会保障制度持続に対する不安も募る一方。定年後、あてにしていた年金が支給されない、生活は困窮、体調は悪くなるばかり、頼れる身内はいない・・・。もし、自分がそういう状況に置かれたとしたら、どう生き抜いていったらよいのであろうか。











According to the 2022 State of World Population published by the United Nations Population Fund, Japan, Hong Kong and Macau have the longest life expectancy, with men aged 82 and women aged 88.The good news is that Japan has become the longest-lived country in the world, but the longer you live, the longer you live in old age. Concerns about a series of natural disasters, uncertain political economy, and the continuation of the social security system are also increasing. After retirement, the pension I was relying on is not paid, my life is poor, my physical condition is getting worse, and I have no relatives to rely on ... If I were to be in such a situation, how should I survive?

This time, I would like to introduce the Hungarian movie "Cheers for Life!"

Hungary was a country where the Berlin Wall collapsed and changed from socialism to liberalism, and prices soared due to rapid economic growth, and pensioners had social problems such as being unable to maintain a minimum standard of living. "Cheers to life!" Is an unbelievable story in which an 81-year-old grandfather Emil and a 70-year-old grandmother Hedy, who are pensioners, commit a robbery under such circumstances.

Emil is from the working class and fell in love with her daughter Hedy in the 1950s and married. After several decades, it was a poor pension life with a chronic illness that awaited the two who became an elderly couple. They couldn't pay the rent from a small pension and used to stay away to get the rent, but one day they were rushed to the debt collector and handed over Heddy's treasure, diamond earrings, to the debt kata. It ends up. Diamond earrings are also a memory item that triggered the encounter between the two.

Shocked, Emil takes his hidden pistol Tokarev in one hand and heads to the post office with his Soviet car, Chaika, to rob him. He is a strange gentleman-like robber who tells the staff in a gentle tone, receives a shopping bag filled with money, and goes away saying "Thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day." Hedy, who was initially supportive of the police chasing her husband, decided to escape with her husband as soon as she met her husband again.

The escape drama of an old couple who tosses the policemen is exciting. When he was young, Emil, a dignitary driver of the Communist Party, shook off police pursuits and swirled in smoke with his land-mindedness and brilliant gear-handling. She can't keep up with Chaika, who climbs up a steep gravel-filled slope, and the police vehicle left behind and the police officer rolling down from the steep slope make her comically laugh. Even after that, amateur-like robbery like a child's gangster and a splendid escape like a professional continued, and the media reports will attract the interest of the people and the sympathy and support of pensioners.

Agi, a female detective who pursues an old couple, is also one of the influences of the old couple. She gets Agi injured during her pursuit and becomes a hostage to an old couple, but in contact with her old couple she realizes what is important to her life and what her affection is. Will bring back more with his lover.

Now, what will happen to the end of the escape drama? Let's keep it a secret here. It takes a little insight to interpret the ending, but watching it while inferring the ending is also the highlight of this movie.

The stage of the movie The capital of Hungary is divided into Budapest, Buda in the hilly area across the Donau River, and the plague on the plains. In a country with 1,300 hot springs, Emil presents a night at a hot spring resort hotel to celebrate Heddy's 70th birthday. Paprika is indispensable for Hungarian cuisine. The wine is famous for the noble rot wine of the Tokaj region, the red wine "Picaver" called "Eger's cow blood". Distilled liquor "Parlinka" made from cherries, plums and apricots is also a specialty.

This work won the Audience Award / Category Award at the 38th Hungarian Film Week. It was a movie in which the natural acting of grandfather and aunt was fresh, the story was novel, and the lingering sound remained.

<Work note>
Original title: Konyec
Director: Garbol Rohoni
Starring: Emil Kelesh, Teri Ferdi
Made in Hungary in 2007 


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