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【movie62】アルゴ  Argo

【movie62】アルゴ  Argo 戦争、紛争は、映画の中だけにしてほしいと思うこの頃


Excellent movie#10「アルゴ」

2013 年明け早々、アルジェリアで人質事件が発生した。1月16 日、イスラム武装勢力がアルジェリアの天然ガス精製プラントを襲撃し人質を拘束、4日間で日本人含む70 人近くが死亡した事件である。政情が不安定な地域での職務は、危険と背中合わせである。突如、囚われの身となり、逃げる術のない状況に置かれた時の恐怖心と絶望感は計り知れない。だれもが生きて帰れるのは奇跡であることを知っている。

「アルゴ」は第85 回米アカデミー賞の作品賞、脚色賞、編集賞を受賞。作品賞は、ミシェル・オバマ大統領夫人が、ホワイトハウスから中継で発表した。「アルゴ」の内容が反イラン的であるがため、米国内では夫人の登場を疑問視する声も上がったようだ。アカデミー賞は米国映画賞の最高峰でメディアの露出度が高い。それ故、国家間の軋轢の上に成り立つ作品が受賞すると、国家間感情をこじらせる要因になりかねない。案の定、イランは『アルゴ』の受賞におかんむり。CIA 工作員を英雄として描く一方で、イラン人を非道な国民として描いた製作者に対し、非難轟々である。


1979 年1月、ホメイニーを指導者とした反体制勢力はイラン革命を起こした。革命は成功し、パフラヴィ元国王は、諸国を点々とし

癌治療の名目でアメリカに入国した。カーター元大統領は、イラン新政権との軋轢を危惧し、元国王の入国要請を退けようとしたが、結局、人道的見地から入国を認めた。ホメイニーはアメリカを敵視、そして11 月4日、アメリカに反発したイスラム法学校の学生らがテヘランにあるアメリカ大使館を占拠、駐在員52 名を人質に元国王の身柄引き渡しを要求し、1981 年1月20 日解放までの444 日間、駐在員を軟禁した事件である。


大使館員らを、架空のSF 映画『アルゴ』のカナダ撮影チームのクルーに仕立て上げ、身分を偽って出国させるという、奇想天外な実在のCIA 極秘作戦をフィルムに再現した。


CIA 工作員のトニー・メンデスは、『アルゴ』を本物の映画に見せかけるアイテムをぬかりなく整える。イランを撮影地にした脚本、大物プロデューザー、特殊メイクの第一人者、ハリウッドの事務所、絵コンテ、名刺、ポスター、大々的な記者発表…と準備を完了させ、イランに入国した。カナダ大使邸人は、出国審査と検問にパスさせるために、6名に各自の役どころを教え込み、テヘラン市内のバザールへロケハンにも行った。ところが出国前夜、CIA 本部から作戦休止命令が下る。作戦が失敗した場合のイランによる制裁を懸念しての決定である。命令撤回を求めるものの叶わず意気消沈したトニーは、無言のままホテルに戻り、ウィスキー片手に一夜を明かす。そして迎えた当日朝、CIA 本部に作戦強行を宣言。捨て身の行動で上層部を揺り動かし、幾多の危機一髪をくぐり抜け、出国に成功する。


CIA 公式サイトのアントニオ・J・メンデス(トニーのモデル)の記事を読むと、映画の方が史実よりスリリングでドラマチック、観客を飽きさせないよう脚色していることが分かる。
 アフレックは、俳優、脚本家、監督、プロデューサーと4足の草鞋をはく40 歳、大物美人女優と浮名を流してきたモテ男である。1972 年カリフォルニア州バークレー生まれ。12歳のとき小学校教師の母と弟ケイシーと共にマサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジに移住。母子家庭で育ち、大学では中東情勢を専攻した。8歳の時、近所に住むマット・デイモンと知り合い、彼と共同で書いた「グッド・ウィル・ハンティング/旅立ち」で1988 年アカデミー賞・ゴールデングローブ賞の脚本賞を受賞。2007 年には、「ゴーン・ベイビー・ゴーン」で監督デビュー。2010 年に監督2 作目の「ザ・タウン」が好評を博し、監督3作目の「アルゴ」で、クリント・イーストウッドの足跡を追うがごとく、俳優出身の監督として揺るぎない地位を確立した。「アルゴ」の製作には、「ER 救命治療室」、「オーシャンズ」でお馴染みのジョージ・クルーニーも参加している。

原題: Argo
監督: ベン・アフレック
出演: ベン・アフレック、ブライアン・クランストン
2012 年 アメリカ

★ News
"Argo" director and starring Ben Affleck announces his second engagement with Jennifer Lopez!
Propose in a bubble bath. Ben presented Jennifer with an 8.5 carat natural green diamond ring. The price is estimated to be over $ 10 million (about 1,256 million yen). The two will be re-engaged. It's bigger and more expensive than the $ 2.5 million, 6.1-carat pink diamond she gave in her first proposal in 2002. She has to take off her hat for Jennifer's woman who wants to contribute so much. She is a beautiful witch who does not fade even at the age of 52. Affection is irreplaceable, but it is also true that many people tend to gauge the strength of affection by the value of things.

Excellent movie# 10 "Argo"

Early in 2013, a hostage incident occurred in Algeria. On January 16, Islamic militants attacked a natural gas refinery plant in Algeria and detained hostages, killing nearly 70 people, including Japanese, in four days. Jobs in politically unstable areas are dangerous and back-to-back. Suddenly, I became a prisoner, and the fear and despair when I was placed in a situation where I could not escape was immeasurable. Everyone knows that it is a miracle to be able to return alive.

Terrorism and hostage incidents in the Middle East and North Afria are still social problems. Therefore, "Argo", which started from the hostage incident at the US Embassy in Iran, will not fade over the years and will continue to be news.
"Argo" won the 85th Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Picture, and Best Editing. The Best Picture was announced by Mrs. Michelle Obama on a live broadcast from the White House. Due to the anti-Iranian content of "Argo," some have questioned her wife's appearance in the United States. The Academy Awards are the pinnacle of American film awards and have a high degree of media exposure. Therefore, if a work that is built on the conflict between nations is awarded, it may become a factor that aggravates the feelings between nations. Sure enough, Iran won the "Argo" award. While portraying CIA agents as heroes, he is blaming the creators for portraying the Iranians as outrageous people.

Do you know the Iranian US Embassy hostage case?

In January 1979, dissidents led by Khomeini revolutionized Iran. The revolution was successful, and the former King Pahlavi dotted the nations.

He entered the United States in the name of cancer treatment. Former President Carter, fearing conflict with the new Iranian government, tried to reject the former king's request for entry, but eventually admitted him from his humanitarian point of view. Khomeini was hostile to the United States, and on November 4, students from an Islamic law school who rebelled against the United States occupied the American embassy in Teheran and demanded that 52 expatriates be taken hostage to the former king in 1981. It was an incident in which expatriates were banned for 444 days until the release on January 20.

The theme of "Argo" is the rescue of six US embassy members who fled to the Canadian embassy when the US embassy was occupied.

The film recreates the mysterious and real CIA top secret strategy of turning the embassy staff into a crew member of the Canadian science fiction movie "Argo" and leaving the country with a false identity.

If the operation fails, there is no life. However, if six people in hiding are found by the Revolutionary Guard Corps, it will be publicly executed.
The Revolutionary Guard Corps is reconstructing a fragment of a photo of an embassy employee shredded with a child. Whether you're leaving the country first, restoring it first, throbbing, sweating, or fighting time, you'll keep an eye on the screen.

CIA operative Tony Mendez puts together an item that makes Argo look like a real movie. He entered Iran with a script, a big producer, a leading make-up, a Hollywood office, a storyboard, a business card, a poster, a big press release, and so on. At the Canadian Embassy, ​​I taught six people what they were doing and went to a location scouting at the bazaar in Tehran to pass the immigration and inspection. However, on the eve of departure, the CIA headquarters issued an order to suspend operations. The decision was concerned about Iran's sanctions if the operation failed. Tony, who asks for the withdrawal of the order but is depressed, returns silently to the hotel and spends the night with whiskey in one hand. Then, on the morning of the day, he declared the operation to the CIA headquarters. He shakes the upper ranks with the action of abandonment, goes through many close calls, and succeeds in leaving the country.

In an interview, director and starring Ben Affleck said, "I was particular about reproducing the atmosphere of the time."

If you read the article by Antonio J. Mendez (Tony's model) on the CIA official website, you can see that the movie is more thrilling and dramatic than historical facts, and is adapted to keep the audience from getting bored.
Affleck is a 40-year-old actor, screenwriter, director, producer and a 40-year-old man who has been known as a big-name beautiful actress. Born in Berkeley, California in 1972. At the age of 12, he moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts with his mother, an elementary school teacher, and his younger brother, Casey. He grew up in a single-mother family and majored in Middle Eastern affairs at university. At the age of eight, he met Matt Damon, who lives in the neighborhood, and won the 1988 Academy Award for Best Screenplay for "Good Will Hunting / Departure" in collaboration with him. In 2007, he made his directorial debut with "Gone Baby Gone". His second director, "The Town," was well received in 2010, and his third director, "Argo," was unwavering as an actor-born director, following in the footsteps of Clint Eastwood. Established a position. George Clooney, who is familiar with "ER Lifesaving Treatment Room" and "Ocean's", also participated in the production of "Argo".

<Work note>
Original title: Argo
Director: Ben Affleck
Starring: Ben Affleck, Bryan Cranston

# ベン・アフレック

奪われた手脚をもう一度 The robbed limbs again


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