無実なのに妻殺しの容疑で終身刑になったアンディ(ティム•ロビンス)が19年の務所暮らしを経て、脱獄し自由を手に入れるお話なの。どんなに絶望的な状況に置かれても希望があれば克服できることを知ったわ。Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.アンディが一目置く囚人のレッド(モーガン・フリーマン)も素晴らかった。知的センスのある語りに引き込まれたわ。The Shawshank RedemptionAndy (Tim Robbins), who was innocent but was sentenced to life imprisonment for murdering his wife, escaped from prison and gained freedom after living in the office for 19 years. He knew that no matter how desperate he was, he could overcome it if he had hope.Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.Andy's glim...
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アルコール依存症で執筆意欲を失った偏屈な老作家が、隣人のシングルマザー、シャーロット(バージニア・マドセン)と3人の娘たちとの交流を通じて、今後の自分に大切なことは何かに気づき、新たな人生の一歩を踏み出す物語。老作家役は、モーガン・フリーマン。モーガンがお話すると言葉にインテリジェンスが宿るのね。その言葉は、叙情的で意味深くて、心に心地よい刺激を与えてくれるの。こういう人が隣人だったら、マリリン、毎日、おしゃべりを聴きに行くと思うわ。The Magic of Belle IsleHow to start the best life The Magic of Belle IsleA bigoted old writer who has lost his motivation to write due to alcoholism, through interactions with his neighbor's single mother, Charlotte (Virginia Madsen) and his three daughters, realizes what is important to him in the future and takes a new step forward in his life. The old writer is played by Morg...
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