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プーチン大統領の特権 Putin's privilege

プーチン大統領の特権 Putin's privilege プーチン大統領は罪を犯してもロシアの司法では裁かれない


On December 22, 2020, Putin signed a bill that would give the former president, including himself, and his family the privilege of not being prosecuted for their crimes. It is a bill that stipulates that he will not be subject to arrest, cross-examination, or search not only during his tenure as president, but throughout his life. Putin expired his term in 2024. Putin cannot be tried by Russian law, but Putin is a dictator, unless the bill, "Presidential veterans and their families are not prosecuted for life if they commit a crime," is amended during his term. Therefore, at this rate, the law will not be amended during his term.

#President Putin

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