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ニホンウナギの生態は謎。Ecology of Japanese Uenagi is mystery

ニホンウナギの生態は謎。Ecology of Japanese Uenagi is mystery 天然のにほんうなぎを増やすために。おいしいうな重を食べるために。






On April 14, 2022, researchers from Japan, China, South Korea, and Taiwan jointly agreed to start ecological research on Japanese eels.

Japanese eels that inhabit Northeast Asia such as Japan and China are endangered species that are at high risk of extinction in the future (designated by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, Switzerland) in June 2014), but the ecology of Japanese eels. There were many unclear points regarding the amount of resources.
In the joint research, in addition to grasping the stock amount and future prediction by recording the catch data of eels, we will investigate the ecology such as the migration route to the spawning site by attaching an electronic tag to the eel and releasing it, and joint research will be done around next spring. It is said that it plans to make an interim report.

Currently, most of the eels shipped in Japan are farmed or imported.
In aquaculture, juvenile eels called glass eels are caught along the coast and raised as seedlings.
It is important for the aquaculture industry to secure stable glass eels, but the catch of glass eels is decreasing year by year.
Under such circumstances, in 2010, Japan succeeded in complete aquaculture to produce hatched larvae by artificial insemination from artificially cultivated eels for the first time in the world.

The transition of the amount of energy in Japan is below.

# Nehonna
# Endangered species

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