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「ハエも通らないように封鎖」の悲劇 The tragedy of "Sealing to not go through"

「ハエも通らないように封鎖」の悲劇 The tragedy of   今助けないと人命ピンチの事実をニュースで知ってもなにもできない。


エチオピア、ソマリアなど、アフリカ東部は、今、過去40年で最悪規模の干ばつに見舞われ、1300万人が飢餓に直面している。 それらの国々は、黒海沿岸諸国からの小麦に大きく依存しているため、ウクライナ紛争の影響をダイレクトに受ける。世界規模でも食料価格は高騰。インフレが問題になっている。このまま、紛争が続けば、世界的な食料危機へと発展する可能性がある。

WFP:United Nations World Food Program「国際連合世界食糧計画」の略名。

Many civilians have been evacuated to the Azovstal Iron and Steel Works, where Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol continue to fight. On April 19, Russia bombed its steelworks with a bunker buster. A bunker buster is a bomb that falls at a high speed, penetrates a shield such as concrete or embankment, and explodes after reaching a target. On April 21, President Putin ordered Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu to "blockade flies from passing through," and the entire steelworks are now surrounded by Russian troops. Russia may be willing to surrender the refugees at the steelworks to their troops. In the future, if evacuation in the humanitarian corridor or supply of supplies to the steelworks is not established, refugees will have no choice but to starve to death or surrender. The situation would change if the besieging Russian troops could be attacked and driven away from the outside, but the outlook is unclear. The Ukrainian government estimates that more than 20,000 civilians have died in the city. It has been said that Russian troops dug a mass grave and buried the bodies of civilians in a village about 20 kilometers west of Mariupol. The Stockholm International Peace Research Institute reports that Mariupol's citizens are melting snow for water, stealing food and eating stray dogs.

Today, much of the agricultural land throughout Ukraine has become a battlefield. The Ukrainian government has banned the export of wheat, oats, sunflower oil and other locally produced foods. This is to counter food shortages and hunger alleviation in their own country. The United Nations WFP once bought half of the wheat from Ukraine to feed hungry countries for food aid, but that aid is also being affected.
East Africa, including Ethiopia and Somalia, has now suffered the worst drought in 40 years, with 13 million people facing hunger. These countries are directly affected by the Ukrainian conflict because they rely heavily on wheat from the Black Sea coastal countries. Food prices are soaring even on a global scale. Inflation is a problem. If the conflict continues, it could lead to a global food crisis.

WFP: United Nations World Food Program Abbreviation for "United Nations World Food Program".
A United Nations agency that provides food aid to food-deficient countries and aid to disaster-affected countries such as natural disasters.

#Food crisis
#Azovstalari Works
#Bunker buster

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