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次に食事ができる日は?アフガニスタン食糧危機。What day will you be able to eat next? Afghanistan food crisis.

次に食事ができる日は?アフガニスタン食糧危機。What day will you be able to eat next? Afghanistan food crisis. 世界がどうなろうと、他所に逃れようのない人々が人間らしく生きられるよう、ここで力を尽くします(中村哲医師)






On December 4, 2019, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura died after being shot by an armed group while driving in Jalalabad, Nangarhar, eastern Afghanistan.
Dr. Nakamura has been treating poor people in Pakistan and Afghanistan since the 1980s. Started to work on the regeneration of. He drew the water needed to grow crops from the river, and a circulating system that returned the excess water back to the river to bring green to dry and rough farmland. Dr. Nakamura's irrigation canal will support the lives and livelihoods of about 650,000 people. He improved the food self-sufficiency of the poor, who could only live on support.
The words left by Dr. Nakamura are
"We will cooperate with everyone so that water does not distinguish between good and bad people, and we will do our best here so that people who cannot escape to other places can live like human beings. There are frequent dark conflicts inside and outside the world. Now is the time to turn off this light. "
The realization of Dr. Nakamura's ambitions is being continued by the international NGO "Peshawar-kai" in Fukuoka City, which has supported Dr. Nakamura's activities.
How is Afghanistan now changed by Dr. Nakamura?

In Afghanistan, the rebel Taliban (Supreme Leader Akhnzada) came to power last August. The Taliban administration was attacked by the United States after hiding the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, which blew up the World Trade Center in the United States. After being chased by Kabul, it collapsed in December of the same year. For the next 20 years, the new government established by the United States took power in Afghanistan, but as the US military began to withdraw, the Taliban intensified its offensive and returned to power last year.
With the reinstatement of the Islamist Taliban, the international community has expressed concern that Afghanistan will once again become a hotbed of terrorism, has forgotten support for Afghanistan, and has decided to freeze foreign assets of the Central Bank of Afghanistan. As a result, Afghanistan's economy is heading for collapse and security is deteriorating. What's more, Afghanistan has suffered the most severe drought in the last 30 years and is depleting sewage. It becomes impossible to harvest crops and secure safe water, and hunger and water-borne illnesses increase. 24.4 million people, 55% of the population, need humanitarian assistance, 4.7 million, including 3.9 million children, are acutely malnourished, and if the current situation continues, 130,000 children will face death. ..

While the world's attention is focused on the Ukrainian War, Afghanistan also has an unprecedented need for humanitarian assistance.
In October last year, Japan decided to provide $ 65 million (about 7.1 billion yen) in emergency grant-in-aid for aid to Afghanistan and its neighbors through a total of seven organizations, including the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). In February of this year, the United States announced a policy to utilize about $ 3.5 billion of the $ 7 billion (about 800 billion yen) assets of the Afghanistan Central Bank, which is frozen in the United States, for humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan. Although there are major movements in humanitarian aid, such as the intention to keep $ 3.5 billion in the United States as a target for compensation claims for victims of simultaneous US terrorism), there is still a shortage of funds for humanitarian aid activities. It is in.

The words left by Tetsu Nakamura, "People who cannot escape elsewhere can live like humans," describe the misfortune of those who cannot live without continuing to rely on support. Isn't it very important not only to provide supplies but also to support poor people so that they can live on their own?

On December 4, 2019, Dr. Tetsu Nakamura died after being shot by an armed group while driving in Jalalabad, Nangarhar, eastern Afghanistan.
Dr. Nakamura has been treating poor people in Pakistan and Afghanistan since the 1980s. Started to work on the regeneration of. He drew the water needed to grow crops from the river, and a circulating system that returned the excess water back to the river to bring green to dry and rough farmland. Dr. Nakamura's irrigation canal will support the lives and livelihoods of about 650,000 people. He improved the food self-sufficiency of the poor, who could only live on support.
The words left by Dr. Nakamura are
"We will cooperate with everyone so that water does not distinguish between good and bad people, and we will do our best here so that people who cannot escape to other places can live like human beings. There are frequent dark conflicts inside and outside the world. Now is the time to turn off this light. "
Now, how is Afghanistan changed by Dr. Nakamura?

In Afghanistan, the rebel Taliban (Supreme Leader Akhnzada) came to power last August. The Taliban administration was attacked by the United States after hiding the al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, which blew up the World Trade Center in the United States. After being chased by Kabul, it collapsed in December of the same year. For the next 20 years, the new government established by the United States took power in Afghanistan, but as the US military began to withdraw, the Taliban intensified its offensive and returned to power last year.
With the reinstatement of the Islamist Taliban, the international community has expressed concern that Afghanistan will once again become a hotbed of terrorism, has forgotten support for Afghanistan, and has decided to freeze foreign assets of the Central Bank of Afghanistan. As a result, Afghanistan's economy is heading for collapse and security is deteriorating. What's more, Afghanistan has suffered the most severe drought in the last 30 years and is depleting sewage. It becomes impossible to harvest crops and secure safe water, and hunger and water-borne illnesses increase. 24.4 million people, 55% of the population, need humanitarian assistance, 4.7 million, including 3.9 million children, are acutely malnourished, and if the current situation continues, 130,000 children will face death. ..

While the world's attention is focused on the Ukrainian War, Afghanistan also has an unprecedented need for humanitarian assistance.
In October last year, Japan decided to provide $ 65 million (about 7.1 billion yen) in emergency grant-in-aid for aid to Afghanistan and its neighbors through a total of seven organizations, including the United Nations World Food Program (WFP) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). In February of this year, the United States announced a policy to utilize about $ 3.5 billion of the $ 7 billion (about 800 billion yen) assets of the Afghanistan Central Bank, which is frozen in the United States, for humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan. Although there are major movements in humanitarian aid, such as the intention to keep $ 3.5 billion in the United States as a target for compensation claims for victims of simultaneous US terrorism), there is still a shortage of funds for humanitarian aid activities. It is in.

The words left by Tetsu Nakamura, "People who cannot escape elsewhere can live like humans," describe the misfortune of those who cannot live without continuing to rely on support. Isn't it very important not only to provide supplies but also to support poor people so that they can live on their own? The realization of Dr. Nakamura's ambitions is being continued by the international NGO "Peshawar-kai" in Fukuoka City, which has supported Dr. Nakamura's activities.

#アフガニスタン #干ばつ #経済崩壊 #タリバン #食糧危機 #人道支援 #中村哲 #Afghanistan #Drought #EconomicCollapse
#Taliban #FoodCrisis #HumanitarianAid #Tetsu_Nakamura

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