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束縛されないゆるいつながり。 ソーシャルメディア A loose connection that is not bound. Social media

束縛されないゆるいつながり。 ソーシャルメディア A loose connection that is not bound. Social media 共感と発見を求めて、ゆるくつながる人付き合いの場が、SNSなのかもしれない。

ソーシャルメディアには、SNS(Social Networking Service)、電子掲示板、ブログ、口コミ、動画投稿サイトなどがあるが、スマートフォンが急速に普及し、インターネット利用が拡大したことで、右肩上がりで使用者が増加している。

nb10001.png (695×514) (soumu.go.jp)(出典)令和3年版情報通信白書 総務省「通信利用動向調査」nb10001.png (731×592) (soumu.go.jp)


nb10001.png (695×514) (soumu.go.jp)nb10002.png (731×592) (soumu.go.jp)(出典)令和3年版情報通信白書 総務省「通信利用動向調査」

2020年度 SNS利用動向に関する調査|ICT総研【ICTマーケティング・コンサルティング・市場調査はICT総研】 (ictr.co.jp)

世界規模で、利用者数が多いSNSは、Facebook、YouTube、tiktok、Instagram、Twitter、LINE。トップシェアのFacebook(29億1,200万人 2022年2月時)に、Youtube(23億人YouTube Revenue and Usage Statistics (2022) - Business of Apps)が追従している。  


Social media is a medium for the purpose of interacting with information recipients by transmitting and spreading information by individuals and companies through the Internet. The advantage is that you can communicate with the recipient in both directions instead of making a one-way call.
Social media includes SNS (Social Networking Service), electronic bulletin boards, blogs, word-of-mouth, video posting sites, etc., but with the rapid spread of smartphones and the expansion of Internet usage, the number of users is increasing. are doing.
In Japan, the number of households with smartphones is close to 90%, and the number of households using fixed-line phones has decreased from 90% to 70%.

nb10001.png (695 x 514) (soumu.go.jp) (Source) White Paper on Information and Communication, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Communication Usage Trend Survey" nb10001.png (731 x 592) (soumu.go.jp)

Regarding the usage of the Internet in Japan, it is mainly used for daily life and entertainment such as shopping, payment, video distribution, etc., but due to the influence of the pandemic of the new coronavirus since two years ago, friends and colleagues Opportunities for face-to-face interaction with SNS have decreased, and opportunities for utilizing SNS that allow non-face-to-face interaction have increased significantly. Words such as "rear charge," "virtual charge," and "botchi" were also popular.

nb10001.png (695 x 514) (soumu.go.jp) nb10002.png (731 x 592) (soumu.go.jp) (Source) Reiwa 3rd Year Information and Communication White Paper, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications "Communication Usage Trend Survey"

According to the July 2020 survey on SNS usage trends of ICT Research Institute, the number of SNS users in Japan is increasing year by year, the number of users is increasing by about 160,000 on average per month, 79.75 million at the end of 2020, and at the end of 2022. Is expected to reach 82.41 million, and the usage rate of all net users will reach 83.3%.
Survey on SNS usage trends in 2020 | ICT Research Institute [ICT Marketing Consulting / Market Research is ICT Research Institute] (ictr.co.jp)

The number of social media users worldwide is said to exceed 4.5 billion.
Facebook, YouTube, tiktok, Instagram, Twitter, and LINE are the most popular SNSs on a global scale. Youtube (2.3 billion YouTube Revenue and Usage Statistics (2022) --Business of Apps) is following the top share Facebook (2.912 billion people as of February 2022). It was
The ranking of Japan is LINE, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook. LINE and YouTube are often used.

Before the advent of SNS, it was necessary to identify the time of dialogue, the location of the dialogue, and the person with whom the dialogue was held before conducting the dialogue. However, in SNS, the place, time, and posted content are 100% self-determined. You can post as you feel what you feel, from anywhere at the timing you want to convey, so it's easy for you to be yourself. It is a mechanism to interact with unspecified people who are interested in their posts and have visited their personal space. Since we are not sharing a room with the reader, there are few restrictions on words and actions, and it is also good for SNS to be able to interact with a loose sense of distance.

#ソーシャルメディア #SNS #リア充 #デジタル充 #ぼっち

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