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【essay】無名人ブロガーの葛藤 Conflict of Anonymous Blogger

無名人ブロガーの葛藤 Conflict of Anonymous Blogger 「何事をやるにも、時間のバランスを考えなさい。」と愛犬が言う。


The holidays are the same as usual. Research, write, devise ideas, and take a short walk. There is no special feeling, but you can feel the peace of mind quietly and end the day. I've been blogging for a month since April 1st, but it was hard every day. Itoi Shigesato started wanting to do something like Hobonichi, but he has a lot of readers and it's an important mission, so he doesn't do it every day. I'm not a popular person, so no one complains whether I do it or not, and I'm free, but I'm addicted to writing. It takes time to write news accurately. I feel like I'm doing more and more, but I'm doing it myself. It may be a little slack. The holidays are the same as usual. Research, write, devise ideas, and take a short walk. There is no special feeling, but you can feel the peace of mind quietly and end the day. I've been blogging for a month since April 1st, but it was hard every day. Itoi Shigesato started wanting to do something like Hobonichi, but he has a lot of readers and it's an important mission, so he doesn't do it every day. I'm not a popular person, so no one complains whether I do it or not, and I'm free, but I'm addicted to writing. It takes time to write news accurately. I feel like I'm doing more and more, but I'm doing it myself. It may be a little slack.

#ブロガー #糸井重里 #ほぼ日刊 #Blogger #ShigesatoItoi 

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