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ゼレンスキーからリーダーを学ぶ Learn leaders from Zelensky

ゼネンスキーから学ぶリーダの有り様 A leader who learns from Zenensky 有事の時こそ、リーダーの本領が発揮される

アフガニスタン、イエメン、ミャンマー、 エチオピア(ティグレ)、ウクライナ。







Afghanistan, Yemen, Myanmar, Ethiopia (Tigray), Ukraine.
Since last year, these countries have been in conflict with more than 10,000 deaths, and the conflict has not yet subsided. Nevertheless, the news on TV and the Internet is now all about the situation in Ukraine. Why is that?

Ukraine is not a civil war, but a war by Russian armed invasion. NATO is also involved and it has become an emergency to loosen the world. And this year, the most dead.
But that's not the only reason.
Ukraine continues to actively disseminate information through SNS, so it is easy to obtain timely information sources and it is easy to be covered in the news. President Zelensky is not the only one who actively disseminates information on SNS. The mayor of the war and the commander of the army are sending out information in a timely manner. The timely dissemination of information has increased the frequency of news publication.

Ukraine uses SNS to disseminate information that positions its own war as a "battle between democracy and tyranny." This has attracted the sympathy and sympathy of democracies and has succeeded in obtaining huge support, including economic sanctions from NATO member countries and Japan.

The country with the highest amount of support is the United States. On March 15, the United States established a fiscal year 2022 (October 2009-September 2010) budget including $ 13.6 billion to support Ukraine and neighboring Eastern European countries. On April 24, Ukraine and neighboring Eastern European countries are expected to allocate $ 713 million (about 91 billion yen), of which Ukraine will be allocated $ 322 million (about 41 billion yen). Announced. On April 30, Speaker of the House Peroshi, who has the second highest succession of U.S. presidential authority, met with President Zelensky in Kieu, and President Biden requested the U.S. parliament for $ 33 billion. He said he was working to get additional budget, saying that "the United States firmly supports Ukraine" and "will continue to support until the end of the fight."

The country with the highest amount of assistance to Ukraine is the United States. On March 15, the United States established a fiscal year 2022 (October 2009-September 2010) budget including $ 13.6 billion to support Ukraine and neighboring Eastern European countries. On April 24, Ukraine and neighboring Eastern European countries are expected to allocate $ 713 million (about 91 billion yen), of which Ukraine will be allocated $ 322 million (about 41 billion yen). Announced. On April 30, Speaker of the House Peroshi, who has the second highest succession of U.S. presidential authority, met with President Zelensky in Kieu, and President Biden requested the U.S. parliament for $ 33 billion. He said he was working to get additional budget, saying that "the United States firmly supports Ukraine" and "will continue to support until the end of the fight."

It is clear that President Zelensky's words and deeds are the source of the decision to support other countries. The president is determined to fight for his life until he wins. Therefore, there is a belief in the words. It will support the Ukrainian people, do their best, and support other countries. However, even with the same belief, if you have a low ability to communicate, you cannot move people in the direction you intended. President Zelensky's words and deeds have two strengths that he needs as a leader. Even though it is widespread in the world, not many leaders are able to practice the following two points.

It is clear that President Zelensky's words and deeds are the source of the decision to support other countries. The president is determined to fight for his life and win. Therefore, there is a belief in the words. It will support the Ukrainian people, do their best, and support other countries. However, even with the same belief, if you have a low ability to communicate, you cannot move people in the direction you intended. President Zelensky's words and deeds have two strengths that he needs as a leader. Even though it is widespread in the world, not many leaders are able to practice the following two points.

〇 Message consistency
President Zelensky has the belief that he will "fight for freedom". The message is consistent because that belief resides in the words.
On February 24, the president said in a video against all Russians, "The attack may be said to free Ukrainian citizens, but Ukrainian citizens are originally free. If Russia attacks, ours We will try to take up the country, freedom, life, and even the lives of our children. We will protect ourselves. " On the same day, at an emergency meeting of EU leaders, in front of economic sanctions and his hip leaders, "We are dying for European ideals", "This may be the last time we can meet alive." I don't know. " On February 25, Kyiv mentioned in his selfie video, "We are here. Protect the country." He declined the proposal to leave the United States. On the same day, he told the international community, "Russian missiles are also powerless in our fight against freedom." "Ukraine is fighting on its own. The strongest countries in the world are only looking from a distance," he said, seeking help. On February 26, "There is information on the net that we have ordered the army to throw away weapons, but it is fake news. We will not throw away weapons. We will protect our land, our country and our children." On February 27, "We will continue to fight for freedom, even if the children are born in the shelter." From the early days of the Russian invasion, he has continued to send a consistent message based on his unwavering belief.

〇Choose words that suit the listener and a narrative that evokes sympathy
President Zelensky's speech is characterized by the choice of words according to the characteristics of the listener and the sympathetic speech of the listener. In a remote speech at the Diet of the requesting country, he spoke from the direction of the listener without shifting his eyes, synchronized with the history and circumstances of the listener's country, and explained the urgent situation of Ukraine. , Has come to gain the sympathy of the listener. The speech was so impressive that even the interpreter shook the words.

to free Ukrainian citizens, but Ukrainian citizens are originally free. If Russia attacks, ours We will try to take up the country, freedom, life, and even the lives of our children. We will protect ourselves. " On the same day, at an emergency meeting of EU leaders, in front of economic sanctions and his hip leaders, "We are dying for European ideals", "This may be the last time we can meet alive." I don't know. " On February 25, Kyiv mentioned in his selfie video, "We are here. Protect the country." He declined the proposal to leave the United States. On the same day, he told the international community, "Russian missiles are also powerless in our fight against freedom." "Ukraine is fighting on its own. The strongest countries in the world are only looking from a distance," he said, seeking help. On February 26, "There is information on the net that we have ordered the army to throw away weapons, but it is fake news. We will not throw away weapons. We will protect our land, our country and our children." On February 27, "We will continue to fight for freedom, even if the children are born in the shelter." From the early days of the Russian invasion, he has continued to send a consistent message based on his unwavering belief.

〇Choose words that suit the listener and a narrative that evokes sympathy
President Zelensky's speech is characterized by the choice of words according to the characteristics of the listener and the sympathetic speech of the listener. In a remote speech at the Diet of the requesting country, he spoke from the direction of the listener without shifting his eyes, synchronized with the history and circumstances of the listener's country, and explained the urgent situation of Ukraine. , Has come to gain the sympathy of the listener. The speech was so impressive that even the interpreter shook the words. 

#ゼネンスキー #リーダーの才覚 #情報発信 #SNS #Zenensky #Leader's talent #Information dissemination #SNS

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