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死んだ人一人の資料はビスケット缶に収まる程度!?Information on each dead person fits in a biscuit can! ??

ボルタンスキーが語る「死」とは What is MOTコレクション ボルタンスキーの「死んだスイス人の資料」

東京都現代美術館で開催されている「光みつる庭/途切れないささやき」で、私が衝撃を受けた作品はいくつかあったが、その中の1作、クリスチャン・ボルタンスキー(Christian Boltanski,1944/9/6-2021/7/14)作の「死んだスイス人の資料」を紹介したい。


死んだスイス人の資料 [Archives des Suisses morts] | ToMuCo - Tokyo Museum Collection

クリスチャン・ボルタンスキー(以下、ボルタンスキー)は、フランスの彫刻家、写真家、画家、映画監督、現代アーティスト。主なテーマは、生と死、記憶と忘却、存在と不在だ。パートナーは、同じ芸術家のアネット・メサジェで、兄は「資本主義の新しい精神」など多くの著書を執筆した社会学者、リュック・ボルタンスキー(Luc Boltanski)である。ボルタンスキーは、1944年、ナチス占領下のパリで生まれた。父親は医師で改宗ユダヤ人。ナチスによるユダヤ人狩りを恐れ、2年間、フランス人の母親と離婚し家を出て行ったように見せかけ、家の床下に隠れ住んでいた。

クリスチャン ・ ボルタンスキー - 高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞 (praemiumimperiale.org)

There were some works that shocked me at the "Light Mitsuru Garden / Uninterrupted Whisper" held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, one of which was Christian Boltanski (1944/9). / 6-2021 / 7/14) I would like to introduce the "Materials of the Dead Swiss" by.

"Materials of the Dead Swiss" is a work made by putting a photograph of a Swiss cut out from the death notice section of a newspaper on a biscuit can. The light from the light bulb is the only item that covers the dimness. The photo shows the fatalities announced in the newspaper, not the victims of the war, so the reasons for death include accidental death, illness, and suicide. It seems that the material of the person with the face in the photo will fit in one biscuit can that is small enough to hold a pair of shoes. To open the lid of the lower can, the upper can must be moved. However, unless there is something special, you will not see the materials of the dead, so there is no inconvenience when the cans are piled up on top of the cans. The rusty color of the biscuit cans seems to tell us that it was a long time ago. People seem to say that when they die, only photos and empty cans will remain. I think people think of the work differently, but that's fine. Conveniently interpret what you see as a lesson in your limited life. that is okay.
Documents of the dead Swiss [Archives des Suisses morts] | ToMuCo --Tokyo Museum Collection

Christian Boltanski (Boltanski) is a French sculptor, photographer, painter, film director and contemporary artist. His main themes are life and death, memory and oblivion, existence and absence. His partner is the same artist Annette Messager, and his brother is Luc Boltanski, a sociologist who has authored many books such as "The New Spirit of Capitalism." Boltanski was born in 1944 in Nazi-occupied Paris. His father is a doctor and a converted Jew. Fearing the Nazi hunting of Jews, he lived under the floor of the house for two years, pretending to have divorced his French mother and left the house.
After the end of the war, Boltanski's stories about concentration camps and the Holocaust (Nazi Doi's extinction policy and genocide against Jews) heard from his mother and his friends had a strong influence on Boltanski's work at a later date. Needless to say, I gave it.

Boltanski had never been to school and his study was self-taught. When he was 12 or 13, he was praised by his brother for the paintings he had drawn and he decided to become an artist. At the beginning of his paintings, he painted expressionist paintings. However, he met his contemporary artists and their work in the gallery where he worked and stopped making his paintings. When he held his first solo exhibition at the Ranelag Cinema in Paris in 1968, he exhibited video works, photographs and mannequins. The following year's booklet, "Exploring and Presenting All My Childhood Remnants from 1944 to 1950," with elementary school class photos and clay-reproduced playsets, reminds me of his own. It was the subject. Biscuit cans, which later appeared frequently in his work, were introduced from this time. In the 1970s, he began to incorporate not only himself but also family photographs of his acquaintances and personal possessions that were no longer needed into his work. He uses a variety of media such as photographs, books, light bulbs and clothing. In the meantime, one work that composes one work in the entire exhibition has come to produce spatial art works that give off a stronger message, and works that are close to recent years are in places that are not easily reachable, such as remote deserts and coasts. He began to produce works that show a mythical tendency, such as setting up works.
He has a deep connection with Japan and has participated in several exhibitions held in Japan. In 2006 he received the Praemium Imperiale Takamatsu Memorial World Culture Award.
Christian Boltanski-Praemium Imperiale Memorial World Culture Award (praemiumimperiale.org)
And Boltanski died of cancer last year (July 14, 2021) at a hospital in Paris. He was 76 years old.

#Christian Boltanski #Swiss materials of the dead #Praemium Imperiale Memorial World Culture Award #praemiumimperiale.org #クリスチャン ・ ボルタンスキー #死んだスイス人の資料 #高松宮殿下記念世界文化賞

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