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ZERO POD。今日はここが私のリビング ZERO POD. This is my living room today

zeropod 海辺の天才建築家の万里夫さんが発明、開発したどこでもリビングZERO POD最新モデル
海辺の天才建築家、万里夫さん(MARIO DEL MARE下平万里夫氏)が、SNSを通じ、2022年5月25日(水)、26日(木)開催の「BAMBOO EXPO 17」で「ZERO POD(ゼロポット)の最新モデル」を展示すると告知した。私が、ZERO PODを、初めて見たのは、8年ぐらい前だったと思う。万里夫さんが葉山一色海岸でのバーべーキューに誘ってくれ、チャッピィをペットバギーに乗せ、一色海岸に着いた時、初めて目にしたZERO PODは、おそらく1世代モデル。私は、ZERO PODを高床式テントと認識したが、発明者の万里夫さんは、「運べる建築」・「モバイルルーム」と定義していた。
ZERO PODは、昨年、日本空間デザイン賞銀賞を受賞した。また、今年の正月には、髙島屋が、初売りの商品に採用している。
スタイリッシュなデザイン空間で、優雅でゆったり流れる時間を楽しめるZERO POD。今後の展開が楽しみである。

Mario DEL MARE Shimohira Mario, a seaside genius architect, will hold "ZERO POD" at "BAMBOO EXPO 17" held on May 25th (Wednesday) and 26th (Thursday), 2022 through SNS. We announced that we will exhibit the latest model of Zero Pot). I think I first saw ZERO POD about 8 years ago. Mario invited me to a barbecue at Isshiki Beach in Hayama, put Chappy on a pet buggy, and when I arrived at Isshiki Beach, the first ZERO POD I saw was probably a first-generation model. I recognized ZERO POD as a stilt tent, but the inventor, Mario, defined it as "carryable architecture" and "mobile room." Mario's motivation for inventing ZERO POD is the awareness of sustainability, which questions the mainstream architecture of concrete-filled buildings. Awareness of the problem of architecture that tramples the nature that underlies the building led to the invention of ZERO POD that does not damage nature. ZERO POD is the only tiny building in the world that does not require construction even on slopes or rough terrain, can easily install flat stilts, and does not damage the earth. Even elderly people with weak power can carry it in the attached bag, which is the size of a golf bag, and can set up and store it within 5 minutes. The road to realizing light weight and compactness while dramatically improving functionality and design would have been steep. The hexagonal raised floor, which is 1m above the ground and about 3m in diameter, can carry about 350kg supported by 6 support points, and is a comfortable space that can be used for various purposes. The pillar in the center of the tent has a supple structure so that it will not break with the bakin due to changes in wind power and the strain of gravity, and the central pillar has a luxurious wooden table that can be folded, and the table is sandwiched between the top and bottom. LED lights are installed. While watching your favorite landscape, you can enjoy meals, gather together, and enjoy entertainment such as remote work and watching movies. If you have two adults, you can stretch your legs and lie down to rest. You can take a nap while listening to the sound of the waves at the beach, enjoy the starry sky, and feel the nature for healing. The material of the stilt is a well-ventilated mesh. The windows are designed to repel mosquitoes, block ultraviolet rays and the outside line of sight, and ensure an open view. The roof is a double roof with no internal dew condensation. It seems that most tents are made using only cloth parts on the roof, ceiling, walls, and floor, metal parts, rubber, and resin materials, but ZERO POD uses functional wood parts. , Used at key points. The wood parts are an artistic beauty that you will love and have a sense of luxury. In addition, the removable fabric inside can be customized in color only to the purchaser, and when purchasing, the outer side of the wall will be given the desired name.
ZERO POD won the Japan Space Design Award Silver Award last year. Also, this year's New Year, Takashimaya has adopted it for the first sale product.
ZERO POD where you can enjoy elegant and relaxing time in a stylish design space. I am looking forward to future developments.

#ZERO POD #Mario Shimodaira #Sustainability #Seaside genius architect #MARIO DEL MARE #下平万里夫 #サステナビリティ #海辺の天才建築家  #日本空間デザイン賞 #葉山
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