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吉阪隆正設計のvillacoucouと鈴木京香 villacoucou designed by Takamasa Yoshizaka and Kyoka Suzuki

villacoucou ロマンがコンパクトに集約された吉阪氏の建築作品「villacoucou」

友人に、東京都現代美術館で開催されている「吉阪隆正展 ひげから地球へ、パノラみる」のチケットをいただいたので鑑賞。吉阪隆正氏は、戦後復興期から1980年まで活躍した建築家で、コンクリートによる彫塑(ちょうそ)的な造形をもつ特徴的な建築で知られている。吉阪氏は、幼少期はスイスで過ごし、近代建築の巨匠ル・コルビュジエ(1887-1965)に師事、「アテネ・フランセ」などを設計した一方、早稲田大学の教授や、日本建築学会会長も務めた。また、登山家・探検家として、日本山岳会理事や1960年の早大アラスカ・マッキンリー遠征隊長を務めた他、フランス文学者、さらには、思想家として複数の著書を執筆した。

吉阪隆正展の掲載作品の中に、吉阪氏の1957年竣工された住宅「Villa Coucou(ヴィラ・クゥクゥ)近藤邸」に関する展示物があった。Villa Coucou(ヴィラ・クゥクゥ)は、女優の鈴木京香さんが継承した物件である。Villa Coucouは、コンクリート打ち放しの延床面積約20坪、敷地面積約59坪のメゾネットタイプの住宅で、1952年ル・コルビュジエのアトリエから帰国した吉阪氏の代表作だ。
物件の使い道は投資目的なのか、居住目的なのか不明であるが、Villa Coucou(ヴィラ・クゥクゥ)は、独身のシニア女性が、癒しを感じる終のすみかというより、男性がロマンを感じる創造空間のように感じるのは私だけであろうか。山を好む吉澤氏ならではの個性的なデザインのように感じる次第である。

A friend of mine gave me a ticket for "Takamasa Yoshizaka Exhibition: From the Beard to the Earth, Looking at Panora" held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, so I watched it. Takamasa Yoshizaka was an architect who was active from the postwar reconstruction period to 1980, and is known for his characteristic architecture with sculptural modeling made of concrete. Mr. Yoshisaka spent his childhood in Switzerland, studying under Le Corbusier (1887-1965), a master of modern architecture, and designed "Athene Francais", while also serving as a professor at Waseda University and the chairman of the Architectural Institute of Japan. rice field. He was also a mountaineer and explorer, a board member of the Japanese Alpine Club, a 1960 expeditionary captain to Alaska McKinley, and wrote several books as a French scholar and thinker.
His life is ephemeral. Many people can't find what they want to do in his life, and even if he finds it, he can't finish it and closes his life, but Mr. Yoshisaka boldly does what he likes without putting up with it. .. He has multiple disciplines and has a professional face in the discipline. There is a glimpse of the influence of Le Corbusier on Mr. Yoshisaka's design. Le Corbusier is the designer of the main building of the National Museum of Western Art. During the construction of the National Museum of Western Art, Mr. Yoshisaka, along with Mr. Junzo Sakakura and Mr. Kunio Maekawa, was in charge of design assistance and site supervision of Le Corbusier.
Among the works exhibited in the Takamasa Yoshizaka exhibition, there was an exhibit related to Mr. Yoshisaka's house "Villa Coucou Kondo House" completed in 1957. Villa Coucou is a property inherited by actress Kyoka Suzuki. Villa Coucou is a maisonette-type house with a total floor area of ​​about 20 tsubo and a site area of ​​about 59 tsubo, and is a masterpiece of Mr. Yoshisaka who returned from the Le Corbusier atelier in 1952.
https://hhtrust.jp/hh/villacoucou.htmlIt is said that Kyoka's interest in architecture is influenced by the fact that her deceased father (Mr. Hiroki Hasegawa), who was dating Hiroki Hasegawa, was a famous architectural critic. The economic power to buy a fairly expensive property individually with a senior woman is a hat.
It's unclear whether the property will be used for investment or residential purposes, but Villa Coucou is a creative space where single senior women feel romance rather than the final habitat of healing. Am I the only one who feels like that? It feels like a unique design unique to Mr. Yoshizawa, who likes mountains.

#Takamasa Yoshizaka #Villa Coucou #Kyoka Suzuki #Corbusier #吉阪隆正 #Villa Coucou  #鈴木京香 #コルビュジエ

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