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【movie44】劇場 Theater

売れない劇作家の永田(山崎賢人)は、女優を志し上京してきた大学生沙希(松岡 茉優)をナンパ。恋人となり、彼女の家で同棲生活を続けるものもその生活も続かなくなる。映画を観ていて、私の中にいる、夢で稼げない永田の一面と、夢見る男性に惚れ込んで尽くすものの疲れてしまう紗希の一面の両方を見出し、自分の分身を観ているような錯覚を覚えた。同棲生活の中で、食材を送ってくれるお母さんの話や、生活費負担の話は、あるある会話で、日常のリアル感がある。永田の食住の面倒から、永田への会話への気遣いに、疲れ、酒浸りになっていく紗希役は、松岡茉優。適役だと思った。

Playwright Nagata (Kento Yamazaki), who cannot sell, picks up Saki (Mayu Matsuoka), a college student who has come to Tokyo to become an actress. She becomes a lover, and neither the one who lives together in her house nor her life continues. While watching a movie, I found both the side of Nagata that I couldn't earn from my dreams and the side of Saki who fell in love with the dreaming man but got tired, and I got the illusion of watching my alter ego. remembered. In a cohabiting life, the story of a mother who sends ingredients and the story of the burden of living expenses are a certain conversation, and there is a sense of everyday life. Mayu Matsuoka plays the role of Saki, who gets tired and drunk because of Nagata's care for food and shelter, and her concern for conversation with Nagata. I thought she was the right person.

#松岡 茉優
#Kento Yamazaki
#Mayu Matsuoka

【movie45】ボヘミアン・ラプソディ Bohemian Rhapsody
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