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【movie55】デート&ナイト Date Night

Excellent movie#2「デート&ナイト」












原題:Date Night

Excellent Movie # 2 "Dating & Night"
"What's interesting movie?" As "Date & Night" answered "Date & Night", I was steadily supposed that "Tom Cruise and Cameron Dias starring movie". Hey, it will be different. Tom and Cameron's movie is "Night & Day". Also in the same action comedy, "Night & Day" is an action, "date and night" comedy and the spindle is different. The distribution company is the same 20th century Fox. "Dating & Night" was taken to "Night & Day" and put "&" with the original title "Date Night". Movie world and hit for the eye of the live horse.

Well, let's introduce the story so far. Phil and Claire sometimes leave a child with a babysitter and are a good couple who go out on a date, but it was getting fatigue.

One day, two people who knew the divorce of friends couples were shocked to get a former love emotion and decided to enjoy dinner dating with the popular restaurant "Krlow" of the city. Although I arrived at Man Tachhan's "Claw" over an hour from home in the suburbs, the store is full. Two-a-a-a-a-a-a-core who wants to ensure a seat is a reservation customer triple phone that has not come to the restaurant, and ensures a long-awaited seat.

However, with these spoofing, a two-man man who chases triplefone is threatened and chased, and is involved in an inventive case. Triplefone was a man who stole USB memory from Mafia, and a couple man followed a triplefone to regain the Mafia's hand and USB memory. The couple pulls the men to the Central Park to escape from the two men, and cut out the place by abandoned offense. The couple rushes to the police, but the two men are visible in the station. Two people they were a police officer and they can not believe in the police, and they decide to find USB memory and protect their body from danger. Return to the restaurant and locate the triple phone contact from the reservation list.

After that, the couple asked for research cooperation in the security experts and Holbrook with Claire customers. After a range of accidents, we will hold the true phase of the case.

"Dating & Night" has the best of entertainment movies. You can see and see your head and relax. The laughing point is everywhere and laughs at the point. Laughter is skylish and the endure is refreshing. The acycident that came down to the couple is non-daily, but it is neither a story that can not be said to be unusual.

Also, there are some conversations that come. For example, this is this.

Clair: Every day, I made breakfast, go to work, clean up, clean, kids, get dinner, tailor, and change the bath to the child. It is also a big noise to wear pajamas. After washing away the child's Yodare and the nasal fucking, swing the last power and it is in bed. There is no margin that burns.

Phil: Let's talk at this time. It's because you don't let me do anything. I can not trust me. I have no choice but to do it. Don't get angry without a chance. If you leave it, you will always be able to do your power. I can do it properly.

how is it. father. If you answer this way, mom is also "Hirorori".

Anyway, this movie wants to watch a couple and couple who are starting to feel fatigue. After anonymes, it would be possible to go out to a night date to go to a different place as usual.

<Work notebook>

Meguratori: Date Night
Director: Shaun Levi
Cast: Steve Carrel, Tina Fay
2010 American production (Japanese theater unless open)

# Date Night
# Steve Carrel
#Tina Fay

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