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人生を切り開く日本人 大谷翔平 Shohei Otani, a Japanese who opens up his life

人生を切り開く日本人 大谷翔平 Shohei Otani, a Japanese who opens up his life 高校時代からメジャー入りを希望していた大谷翔平選手

4月7日、メジャーリーグ(MLB)が開幕した。昨季はア・リーグMVP(most valuable player)も獲得したロサンゼルス・エンゼルスの大谷翔平選手選手の二刀流ぶりが楽しみである。2022年の大谷選手は初球からいきなり100マイル(約161キロ)の記録を出している。



The Major League Baseball (MLB) kicked off on April 7. I am looking forward to the dual wielding of Shohei Ohtani of the Los Angeles Angels, who also won the American League MVP (most valuable player) last season. In 2022, Otani suddenly set a record of 100 miles (about 161 km) from the first ball.
Otani wanted to enter the major leagues from high school (Hanamaki Higashi), but joined the Nippon-Ham Fighters at the 2012 draft meeting with the first nomination. He recorded the fastest ball speed of 165km in Nippon Professional Baseball (NPB). In 2016, he achieved the first double-digit victory in the history of NPB (Nippon Professional Baseball), 100 hits and 20 home runs. Transferred to Los Angeles Angels in December 2017 using the posting system. The posting system is a system that the team exercises when a player belonging to the baseball team wishes to transfer to a major league baseball team. The baseball team receives the transfer money from the newly contracted major baseball team and accepts the transfer.
After that, Otani made his major debut in 2018 at the age of 23 and won the fourth rookie of the year in Japanese history. Although suffering from injuries from the 2019 season, in the fourth year of the 2021 season, the second award-winning "Season MVP" after Ichiro in Japanese history, "Edgar Martinez" given to the most active designated hitter in the Major League Baseball He has won multiple individual awards, including the "Award" and the "Silver Slugger Award", which is given to the nine players who were the best hitters of the season in the National League and American League. In the same year, he was also selected as "Forbes' 30 Under 30".

Otani is right-handed and left-handed. His left-handedness is because the left side is easier to swing the bat.
Otani has 1.358 million Instagram followers. https://www.instagram.com/shoheiohtani/
I heard him speaking in English on TV the other day, and he is also fluent in English.

#Shohei Otani
#Major League
#Nippon-Ham Fighters

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