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コダカペンギンの女の子ロージーのトレーニング Kodaka Penguin Girl Rosie Training

コダカペンギン「ロージー」ちゃんのトレーニング 強く粘り強いロージー・ザ・リベッターから名づけられたロージーちゃん

飼育の担当チームは、ロージーのコアと脚の筋肉を強化し歩けるようにするために、ロージーのトレーニングを始めた。人間が使用する「ジョニージャンプアップ(Johnny Jump Up)」べビーバウンサーシートを模倣した「ペンギンジャンプアルー(penguin jump-a-ro)」を使って、ロージーのコアマッスル、体力を伸ばすトレーニングである。ロージーは、そのトレーニングを継続していくうちに、スリングのサポートなしで直立して座ることができるようになった。


 掲載写真は、下記WEBサイトより引用しています。( Posted photos are quoted from the following website.)
・掲載サイト(Posted page):OdySea Aquarium in Scottsdale, AZ - America's Newest Aquarium
・掲載ページ:ROSIE: OdySea Aquarium’s Little Penguin That Could
・画像URL(Image URL):https://www.odyseaaquarium.com/wp-content/uploads/image017-274x300.png
・アクセス日時(Access date):2022/4/8 

Born at the OdySea Aquarium in Scottsdale, Arizona, USA, the Kodaka penguin "Rosie" was born with an abnormality in the skeleton of his legs and was unable to sit on his own.
The breeding team began training Rosie to strengthen her core and leg muscles so that she could walk. It is a training to improve Rosie's core muscle and physical strength by using "penguin jump-a-ro" which imitates the "Johnny Jump Up" baby bouncer sheet used by humans. As Rosie continued her training, she was able to sit upright without the support of a sling.
After that, Rosie continued a short "sling-free" walk. In her fourth month of life, when she turned into waterproof feathers, she gradually became able to swim with supervised swimming training.
And eight months after hatching, Rosie is slowly walking.

The name "Rosie" is named after "Rosie the Riveter," a cultural icon in the United States that represents all women working in factories and shipyards during World War II. It is said to be a name that shows tenacity.

#Kodaka Penguins
#OdySea Aquarium
#Rosie the Riveter

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