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救えなかった命、救えた命。戦時下の動物達 Life that couldn't be saved, life that could be saved. Wartime animals

救えなかった命、救えた命。戦時下の動物達 Life that couldn't be saved, life that could be saved. Wartime animals かえがえのない動物達の命を救出できるか?





戦争から動物を救え、ハリコフの動物園で救出作戦(字幕・5日) | ロイタービデオ (reuters.com)

In Japan, at least 156 animals, including bears, tigers, and crocodiles, have been killed during the Pacific War because they could escape from 16 facilities such as zoos. Are the animals in the Ukrainian zoo and animal shelter safe?

An animal shelter in Borojanka, which is said to have more casualties and more damage than Bucha, was sheltered from late February, when the Russian military invasion began, to early April, when Russian soldiers left Borojanka. The 485 dogs were left in cages, without food or water, and when volunteers finally entered the building on April 1, all but 150 of the 485 dogs died.

Lviv's Animal Rescue Centers continue to see an increasing number of pets coming from Kharkov, Kyiv and Mykolaiv and being left behind by people evacuating abroad via Lviv. There is no end to the owners who think that they cannot bring Pett with them even though they will become refugees.

At the zoo "Feldman Ecopark" in Kharkiv, more than 5,000 animals of 300 species were bred, but repeated attacks by Russia killed three zookeepers, injured more than 20 and killed nearly 100 animals. Dropped. The cages and fences of the garden were destroyed by the bombing, and while the decision to euthanize was forced to prevent beasts such as tigers and lions from escaping, animal rescue operations were carried out, and as of April 7, more than 80 animals I succeeded in evacuating. It seems that three tapirus families were evacuated on April 3, and two lions, jaguars, and leopards, a total of four, were evacuated on April 5.

#Animal shelter
#Animal Rescue Center
#Feldman Eco Park

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