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米国、ウクライナ政府向けレンドリース法発動。日本は?The Lend-Lease Law for the US and Ukrainian governments is enforced. Japan is?

レンドリース法発動で武器供給 Weapon supply by invoking the Lend-Lease method 圧倒的に不利な数で戦わざるおえないウクライナ軍に必要な武器は?


武器輸出三原則で、武器提供が禁止されている日本は、ウクライナからの要請を踏まえ、新たに、防護マスク、防護服、監視用ドローンを提供する 。松野博一官房長官は、ドローンについて「ドローンは市販品。防衛装備移転三原則上の防衛装備品には該当しない」とコメントした。防護マスクは、ロシアによる化学兵器使用に対する懸念を踏まえての提供だ。一方、日本の防護マスク提供に対して、ロシア側は反発。 ロシア下院のヤロバヤ副議長は、「防護マスクの提供は、ウクライナ側が化学兵器の使用を計画している証拠」と言及した。

On April 6, 2022, the US Senate unanimously passed the "2022 Ukraine Democratization and Defense Lend Lease (Weapon Lending) Bill". If the bill is passed (probably) by the US House of Representatives on April 22, the United States can invoke the Lend-Lease Act for the Ukrainian government. The Lend Lease Act allows the President of the United States to sell, transfer, exchange, lend, rent, or dispose of any military supplies to the country if the President of the United States determines that the defense of the country is important to the security of the United States. Then, in February 2022, Ukraine's Foreign Minister Domitro Kleber requested the United States to activate it.
The bill will expire until the conflict that began with the 2014 Crimean Crisis ceases and Russia reduces its military power at the eastern border of Ukraine to levels prior to March 1, 2021. The enforcement of the Lend-Lease Act will speed up the supply of weapons to Ukraine. The number of Ukrainian soldiers in eastern Ukraine is less than 1/10 of that of the Russian army. Weapons need to be arranged with the overwhelmingly disadvantaged number of people in mind.
The United States has a history of invoking the Lend-Lease Act from March 1941 to September 1945 to assist the Allies in World War II.

Japan, which is prohibited from providing weapons under the Three Principles on Arms Exports, will newly provide protective masks, protective clothing, and surveillance drones in response to a request from Ukraine. Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno commented on the drone, "The drone is a commercial product. It does not fall under the three principles of defense equipment transfer." Protective masks are provided in light of concerns about Russia's use of chemical weapons. On the other hand, the Russian side opposes the provision of protective masks by Japan. Vice-Chairman Yarovaya of the Russian House of Representatives said, "The provision of protective masks is evidence that the Ukrainian side plans to use chemical weapons."

# Surveillance_drone #Protective_mask

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