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【movie34】92歳のパリジェンヌ La Dernière Leçon


92-year-old Parisienne
This movie. It's based on a novel by his daughter Noelle Chatelet about the dignified death of Lionel Jospin's mother, Mireille. Marilyn was full of life, but she couldn't overcome her illness and was called to heaven. But as she lives longer, her physical freedom is lost and she can do less and less. That's really hard, isn't it? It was a movie that made me think that there was a way of life that would bring the curtain down of her life while her consciousness was solid.

#La Dernière Leçon

【movie35】最高の人生のはじめ方 The Magic of Belle Isle
【movie33】フォエバー・フレンズ Beaches


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