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【movie37】アイ・アム・サム am Sam



I am Sam
One day, Sam (Sean Penn) is separated from his beloved daughter Lucy (Dakota Fanning) at the discretion of the Child Welfare Department. Sam has intellectual disabilities and is about 7 years old. That's why I was asked about his ability to raise children. But Sam doesn't flinch there and struggles in court with lawyer Rita (Michelle Pfeiffer) to get his daughter back.
A crying scene? .. A scene in which Rita (Michelle Pfeiffer) confesses her frustration that pervades her heart, saying, "You are not the only one who suffers," to Sam, who is depressed in the situation of her trial. Even a person who seems to be living a beautiful, intelligent, smooth sailing life was not without problems.
There are mental disorders in the world that are easy for others to understand, such as Tom, and there are mental disorders that are difficult to understand. But when he recognizes his disability, he shouldn't think, "Why am I the only one?" I'm not the only one who suffers. Accept your disability. By doing so, a non-short-sighted outlook can be seen, and concrete measures will be created. And I think the measures will bear fruit.

#I am sam
#Dakota Fanning
#Sean Penn

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