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【movie48】60歳のラブレター 60-year-old love letter


The "60-year-old love letter" is a postcard submitted by Sumitomo Trust and Banking (currently Sumitomo Mitsui Trust and Banking) that spells out words of gratitude to each other that a married couple who has been with them for many years cannot say. It was adapted and made into an omnibus movie. The main story is that her husband, who has reached retirement age of 60, divorces and begins a new life with her mistress, but there is no happiness envisioned. Flirt is flirt. It wasn't real. At that time, her ex-husband saw a love letter written to her ex-husband 30 years ago, and her ex-husband abandoned her new life and returned to her wife. .. I wonder if happiness is only noticed when you lose it. I felt that the depth of affection was influenced by the time spent together and the length of time spent on the other party.

#60-year-old love letter

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