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【movie49】ある日どこかで Somewhere in Time


Somewhere in Time
The insert song "Rhapsody on the theme of Rachmaninoff Paganini" is good. When I listen to this song, her heart beats, and I feel like I'm swirling in love, drowning, melting and disappearing. The original author, Richard Matheson, wrote a romantic fantasy novel, fascinated by Maude Adams, an early 20th-century actress in a poster he saw in a theater in Virginia. This work is a movie adaptation. The starring Richard Collier is Christopher Reeve of "Superman". He has a really neat face. He has sucking eyes. He can be a dream, so he wants to be embraced once (laughs). And Jane Seymour is the actress Elise McKenna who was attracted to Collier. She has a great aura. It is a divine beauty. When I see a movie like this, I wish I could travel back in time and return to myself when I was young and be left to love with all my heart. It's a faint dream because I can't grasp true love even in this year. Love is an irreplaceable heartbeat, a real feeling of life.

#Somewhere  in time
#Christopher Reeve
#Jane Seymour

【movie50】アリー/ スター誕生 A Star Is Born
戦時下のウクライナの動物達 Ukrainian animals during the war


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