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【movie61】レナードの朝 Awakenings

Excellent movie#8「レナードの朝」










意を決したレナードがポーラに別れを告げると、ポーラはレナードの手を引きよせ、ラストダンスを始める。ランディ・ニューマンのピアノ(Dexter's Tune)の優しい音色が2人を包み込み、静かな時が流れていく。私がこの映画の中で一番好きなシーンだ。




レナードを演じるのはロバート・デ・ニーロ。目覚めた時のあどけない子供の表情や、病人の演技は圧巻。痙攣症状の演技はリアルで、今でも頭にこびりつき離れない。徹底した役作りが有名なデニーロ、「ゴッドファーザーPartⅡ」ではシチリアに赴き完璧なイタリア語をマスター、「レイジング・ブル」では体を絞り鍛え上げたボクサーを演じた後、老人を演じるために20キロ増量、「アンタッチャブル」ではアル・カポネを演じるために頭髪を抜いた。体を張って臨むデニーロには敬服する。本物の役者である。 (マリリン)

原題: Awakenings
監督: ペニー・マーシャル
出演: ロバート・デ・ニーロ、ロビン・ウィリアムス
1990年 アメリカ製作


Excellent movie # 8 "Awakenings"

The struggle of the Japanese team at the London Olympics was wonderful. The total number of medals won is 38, which is the highest number in history, surpassing the 2004 Athens Olympics. What impressed me especially was the team battle. The sticky play appealed to the unity. I want to give a big applause to the medalists who have climbed to the top.

The sharp movements of athletes are the work of the brain, and this time, we will introduce "Awakenings", which depicts the interaction between patients who have become comatose due to brain dysfunction and doctors who are challenging the intractable disease.

The author is Oliver Sacks, a neurologist born in London. The original title is "Awakenings", and this work is a true story based on Sax's own experience.

In 1969, Bronx's Bainbridge Hospital, which specializes in neuropathy, was looking for a clinician. Sayre has only experience as a research doctor, but is hired as a clinician.

Sayre's first patient is Lucy. Sayre sees her reaction by taking off her Lucy's glasses or putting it on her floor, but no reaction. However, when she drops her glasses, Lucy catches her falling glasses well. She felt hope of recovery, and Sayre observed the patient's reaction using tools such as balls, music, and playing cards, and found that unresponsive patients were sensitive to specific stimuli. do. We also analyze the charts to find out that all the patients suffered from the encephalitis lethargic epidemic of the 1920s.

At the same time, dopamine was attracting attention as a therapeutic drug for suppressing the convulsions of Parkinson's disease. Sayre emphasizes the theory that dopamine is effective because encephalitis lethargic is a disease with advanced convulsions, and persuades his boss and Leonard's mother to start dopamine administration to Leonard. Leonard is a coma patient who became ill at the age of 11 and stayed in the room for 9 years to read and was hospitalized at the age of 20.

One night, a few days after starting her dosing, Sayre administers a generous amount of dopamine to Leonard. Then a miracle happens. While Sayre was asleep, Leonard got up from bed, moved to the dining room, and began writing his name on the crayons. Leonard, who woke up from 30 years of sleep, visited the town with Sayre and was fresh and inspiring. BGM's "Two Seasons" (a hit song from the British rock band "Zombies", which was sold in 1969 and became the third largest in the United States) is the best. The good tempo matches the curiosity and excitement of Leonard.

After that, the prospect of funding the purchase of a new drug is set, and dosing to other patients begins. The setting that all patients wake up without exception is miraculous. The patient who woke up was Taro Urashima who opened the Tamatebako. Some of the patients lost his family and were old, feeling grief and feeling lost.

On the other hand, Leonard fell in love at first sight with the beautiful Paula he met at the hospital. He offers to the hospital to go out alone, but is not accepted and is imprisoned trying to force him out. Leonard, who was indignant at the hospital policy, became desperate and began to have convulsive symptoms. Leonard, then taken out of the cage, asks Sayre to record his symptoms on the bench for another patient. And after fighting illness, he gives up his treatment.

When Leonard decides to say goodbye to Paula, Paula pulls Leonard's hand and begins her last dance. The gentle tone of Randy Newman's piano (Dexter's Tune) envelops the two, and quiet times pass. This is my favorite scene in this movie.

This work can be interpreted as "a drama of clinical trial records of new drugs," but it focuses on human interaction and is a heartwarming human drama.

The innocent desire to challenge Sayre's illness and the innocent desire to contribute to Leonard's treatment will move the psychiatric patient's isolation facility into an ideal medical facility that will work with the patient to improve the condition. Must be.

Robin Wilams plays Sayre. Taking advantage of his personality, he enthusiastically performed a doctor with a kind heart, who is devoted to work but unfriendly. He is the guardian of Christopher Reeve's son, who is familiar with Superman, and is a compassionate person who also focuses on charity activities.

It is Robert De Niro who plays Leonard. The innocent child's facial expression when waking up and the acting of the sick are overwhelming. The acting of the convulsive symptoms is real, and I still stick to my head. De Niro, famous for his thorough role-making, went to Sicily to master perfect Italian in "The Godfather Part II", and after playing a squeezed and trained boxer in "Raging Bull", he gained 20 kilos to play an old man. In "The Untouchables", he pulled his hair to play Al Capone. I admire Deniro who stretches his body. He is a real actor. (Marilyn)

<Work note>
Original title: Awakenings
Director: Penny Marshall
Starring: Robert De Niro, Robin Williams
1990 Made in the USA




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