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テレグラムで伝えるウクライナのハチ公  Ukrainian loyal dog Hachiko "Lini"

ウクライナの忠犬ハチ公「リニ」 Ukrainian loyal dog Hachiko マカリウのハチ公「リニ」 (この写真はイメージ写真です。リニとは異なります)
Telegram Messenger LLPは、ロシア連邦最大のSNSである「フコンタクテ(VK)」の創始者であるニコライ・ドゥーロフとパーヴェル・ドゥーロフ兄弟が2013年に立ち上げた組織である。ドゥーロフ兄弟は、「フコンタクテ(VK)」のCEOから追放された2014年以来、ロシアを去り、ベルリン、ロンドン、シンガポールなど、拠点を点々としてきたが、現在は、ドバイに拠点を置いている。
そんなTelegram Messenger LLPが運営しているインスタントメッセージアプリケーションが、Telegram Messenger(テレグラム)である。





Telegram Messenger LLP is an organization launched in 2013 by the brothers Nikolai Durov and Pavel Durov, the founders of VK, the largest social network in the Russian Federation. The Durov brothers have left Russia since 2014, when they were banished from the CEO of VK, and have been based in Berlin, London, Singapore, etc., but are now based in Dubai.
Telegram Messenger is an instant messaging application operated by Telegram Messenger LLP.
The most popular message app in Japan is LINE, but Telegram is a message app that is in the same category as LINE, and its strengths are security and speed. And now, the total number of Telegram users is over 500 million.

Telegram is playing an active role as an information infrastructure for the government to send accurate information, safety measures, evacuation orders, etc. to the people in Ukraine during the war. Before the military invasion of Russia, the Ukrainian government used telegrams to send news related to the new corona to the public with an account called "@ COVID19_Ukraine", but Russian troops approached the Ukrainian border. With that in mind, we changed the Telegram account name to "@UkraineNOW" (now in Ukraine) to deliver the latest socio-political news to the public.

★ Currently used Telegram account
I downloaded the Telegram app and browsed the above information, but the chat is updated every minute and the information is really real.

Below is an episode delivered on April 10 by Ukrainian Interior Minister Herashchenko using the telegram.
Both the owner and the dog are so sorry that I can't stop crying.

In mid-March in Makariu, Kyiv, northern Ukraine, where Russian troops withdrew, Akita Inu, the owner's dog who was murdered after being sexually assaulted, continued to stand at the front door for nearly a month after the death of the Lord. I'm waiting for my return.
The name of Akita Inu is Rini, a 9-year-old girl. After the death of the owner, even if the volunteers tried to take Rini to the shelter, Rini stubbornly refused. Lini is now called "Makariu's Hachiko" because his appearance imagines Hachiko, a faithful dog who has been waiting for his owner's return at Shibuya Station in Tokyo.

#Akita dog
#Hachiko, the faithful dog
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