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SNSで敵国兵士と直談判 Direct talk to enemy soldiers on SNS

SNSでウクライナ兵士に降伏促すロシア SNSでウクライナ兵士に降伏促すロシア、降伏の見返りは命の存続。



ロスコムナゾルは、3月4日、欧米国営ニュースサイトへのアクセスを遮断し、ロシア国内から、英BBC、米ボイス・オブ・アメリカ、独ドイチェ・ヴェレなどが閲覧できないようにした。さらに、ロスコムナゾルは、3月7日までに、FacebookとTwitterへのアクセスを遮断、14日からはInstagramへのアクセスをブロックし、3月23日には、「Google News」の接続を遮断した。


On April 13, in this "news review", the Ukrainian government gave a lot of message app "telegram" as an information infrastructure, but on April 17, using that "telegram", Russia's Department of Defense encourages "the person who put the weapon, all, to break up and surrender, because the weapon-placed person guarantees, because the weapon guarantees, for the soldiers of Ukraine forces defensive in Mali Poli. With SNS, you can call directly to individual soldiers in the war partner without a war partner country.

In Russia, information from overseas is blocked and fake information (propaganda) is continued. Communication restrictions in Russia are Russian Federal Communications, Information Technology and Masquer's Supervisory Agency (Roscomnazor).

Roscom Nazol blocked access to the Western-American NEC Site Site on March 4, and has not browsed British BBC, US Voice of America, German Vere, etc. from Russia. In addition, Roscom Nazol shuts off Access to Facebook and Twitter by March 7, blocked access to Instagram from 14 days, and on March 23, "Google News" connection was blocked.

In Moscow's court, March 21, the US Meta (formerly Facebook) has been certified that the fige work and Instagram has prohibited Russian activities in Facebook and Instagram, but the same META provides service The messaging service "WhatsApp" did not become an obvious target for why "WHATSAPP" has broadly no profile to disseminate information. But after all, in Russia, "WhatsApp" seems to be advanced, and transfer users to "telegram" are rapidly increasing.

# Telebram
# Loscomnazor

聞いてびっくり!パンダの経済効果 I was surprised to hear it! Econo...




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