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カシュニの滝で途絶えた消息 The news that disappeared at Kashunino Falls

カシュニの滝で途絶えた消息 The news that disappeared at Kashunino Falls 楽しい観光になるはずだった。

消息を絶った「KAZU I(カズワン)」の観光コースは、知床岬コース。知床岬コースは、ウトロから「カシュニの滝」をめぐり、知床半島の先端で折り返し、ウトロ港に戻る3時間コースだった。札幌管区気象台は、同日23日の午前9時42分に、「3メートル以上の波の高さが予想される」と、波浪注意報を出していた。しかし、運営会社「知床観光船」の経営者は、その情報をキャッチできていなかったようだ。(27日の社長インタビューより推測)。KAZU Iが、ウトロ港を出港したのは23日午前10時頃。ウトロ港の波の高さは30センチ余りで、風も強くはなかった。運航会社は、出航後、船を壊しのみ込むほどの大波がくることを予測できていなかった。

「KAZU I」の事故は、私に、映画「パーフェクト・ストーム」を思い起こさせた。

Kashunino Falls is located in the middle of Cape Shiretoko and Kamuiwakka Falls.
Kashni is the Ainu word for "a place with a plank hut." This is the place where the Ainu once rested when traversing from Utoro to Cape Shiretoko. Currently, there is no road for people to travel by land on the Shiretoko Peninsula. If you want to see the magnificent view of the cliffs such as Kashunino Falls and the brown bears that live in the Shiretoko Peninsula, you have to use a sightseeing boat from Utorohigashi Port.
The sightseeing course of "KAZU I", which has disappeared, is the Shiretoko Cape course. The Shiretoko Cape course was a 3-hour course that took you from Utoro to Kashunino Falls, turned around at the tip of the Shiretoko Peninsula, and returned to Utoro Port. At 9:42 am on the 23rd of the same day, the Sapporo District Meteorological Observatory issued a wave warning saying, "A wave height of 3 meters or more is expected." However, it seems that the owner of the operating company, Shiretoko Sightseeing Ship, could not catch the information. (I guess from the interview with the president on the 27th). KAZU I left Utoro Port around 10 am on the 23rd. The height of the waves at Utoro Port was about 30 cm, and the wind was not strong. The operating company could not predict that after the departure, there would be a big wave that would destroy the ship and swallow it.
However, the waves rose rapidly after noon. Another operating company, which was contacted by radio from the tourist ship, requested rescue from the Japan Coast Guard. At around 1:13 pm, the wave height was about 2 meters, and the tourist ship called 118 directly to the Japan Coast Guard. It is said that the height of the waves around 1:18 pm was close to 3 meters. The inundation area is near Kashunino Falls. Of the 26 passengers on board, 11 have been confirmed dead.

The "KAZU I" accident reminded me of the movie "The Perfect Storm".
"Perfect Storm" is based on a non-fiction novel about the accident in 1991 when three storms overlapped over the North Atlantic Ocean and a fishing boat sank in a huge high wave. There were several opportunities for the crew to be a judge on board to save their lives, but they made a mistake and lost their lives. Currently, the title "Perfect Storm" is used to mean that multiple disasters occur at the same time, leading to a catastrophic event.

#KAZU I #カシュニの滝 #パーフェクト・ストーム #知床半島 #Kashunino Falls #PerfectStorm #ShiretokoPeninsula


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