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【movie43】パーフェクト ストーム The Perfect Storm

【movie43】パーフェクト ストーム The Perfect Storm 映画から学ぶ教訓。最悪の事態は突然には来ない。

1997年にセバスチャン・ユンガーが実話を元に執筆したノンフィクション小説『パーフェクトストーム -史上最悪の暴風に消えた漁船の運命』が原作。1991年秋の大嵐で行方不明になったアンドレア・ゲイル号に乗船し海に消えたクルー達を描いている。クルー達が船上で自分達の命を守るジャッジができる機会は2度あったが、そのジャッジを誤ってしまい、命を失ったのだと思った。だれにだって、生きて入れば、命に係わるジャッジの機会が訪れる可能性がある。その時、瞬時に、命を守るジャッジをするためには、どのような心持でいたらいいのかを教わったような気がする。


The Perfect Storm

Based on the non-fiction novel "The Perfect Storm-The Fate of a Fishing Boat Disappeared in the Worst Storm Ever" written by Sebastian Junger in 1997 based on a true story. It depicts the crew who boarded the Andrea Gail, which disappeared in the storm of the fall of 1991, and disappeared into the sea. The crew had two chances to be a judge on board to save their lives, but I thought they had lost their lives because they made a mistake. If anyone comes alive, there is the potential for a life-threatening judge's opportunity. At that time, I feel like I was taught what kind of feelings I should have in order to be a life-saving judge in an instant.

Without the process, the probability of the worst happening is extremely low. In the process before the worst happens, there is at least one chance to make a decision to prevent the worst.
After the accident, it is the worst to be blamed for self-responsibility such as "Why didn't you do that at that time" or "If you did this at that time" or to be blamed by the surroundings, depending on your behavior and way of thinking in advance. Because there was a way to prevent the condition.
That is also true of the "Accident of the Shiretoko Sightseeing Ship KAZU1" that I wrote in yesterday's article. There was a lack of deficiencies in the safety management of the Shiretoko Sightseeing Ship. The captain of KAZU1 did not listen to the advice of his peers (local fishermen's union leader and staff of another operating company) such as "It is better not to set sail because the sea is rough". It is regrettable that no disaster occurred if I gave up leaving the port. Overconfidence resulting from lack of awareness of the threat of nature is fatal.

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