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世界はロシアの戦争犯罪を裁けないのか  Can the world judge Russian war crimes?

世界はロシアの戦争犯罪を裁けないのか  Can the world judge Russian war crimes? 世界の戦争犯罪を裁く機関は???

On April 3, the Ukrainian Public Prosecutor's Office announced that it had found 410 bodies so far in towns near the capital, Kieu, such as Bucha.
Ukrainian President Zelensky emphasized "genosaid" by Russian troops, and Russian Foreign Minister Sergeĭ Viklov denied that Ukrainian claims were "fake news." Similarly, a spokesman for President Dmitry Peskov insisted that the images of the bodies were "unreliable because of the evidence of forgery" and that he would "refuse any criticism."
Can the world judge Russian war crimes?
The ICJ (International Court of Justice), which deals with disputes between nations, has ordered Russia on March 16 to take provisional conservation measures stating that the invasion must be stopped immediately, but Russia goes to trial. Refused to appear in court. If the ICJ recognizes Russia's legal liability, the UN Security Council will be responsible for enforcing the ruling, but since Russia is a permanent member of the Security Council, it will veto sanctions on its own country. can.
Apart from the disputes between nations under the jurisdiction of the ICJ, the International Criminal Court (ICC) is an organization that investigates and prosecutes individuals who commit war crimes. However, since Russia is not a member of the ICC, it seems that it will be difficult to realize in the short term due to lack of enforcement power.


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